Lynch Mob

Thundering noise returned, like a cold splash of water to my face. 

The Gabriel that I had gotten close to and befriended had changed into a completely different man. 

I barely recognized this tall, handsome prince with his two stunning consorts.   

The Françesca twins were dressed like me, except in pale bronze, to match their prince. 

The color combinations showed off their glorious ash blonde hair and aquamarine eyes. 

Their tall, voluptuous bodies filled out the dresses making them look like fashion goddesses walking next to their male god with the bright blue eyes—eyes which were no longer looking at me.   

Gabriel smiled at the crowd and walked the twins towards the dais. 

As he got closer to me, his eyes touched mine but he did not hold my gaze.  His gaze moved onward to the chairs that were set out much like thrones for six people.