Princess Nanael of House Baccarat

That wasn't so bad.  I didn't feel any different than before.  His large hands covered mine, and then he gathered me into his arms. 

It was the first time we embraced with true intention, and it was the first time that I ever felt I had reached safe harbor. 

I had made it.  I had braved the cliffside's treacherous crossing and had made it safely across, into his waiting arms. 

The feeling of great relief came over me and I gave a shuddering sigh as I rested my head on his chest. 

I felt safe.  I felt warm. 

I felt loved.

The sound of the midnight chimes began their deep resonant bong-bong in the distance as I came floating back into reality. 

I had turned back into a pumpkin, but my Prince was still there—and so were my shoes.