Can Can Shebop

Connor's head poked through the opening, and then the rest of his body came through. 

He levitated down past the fallen debris and reached the clearing where I was sitting with Corwin. 

Let me rest for a bit.  I'm completely exhausted. 

He plopped himself on the ground and tucked his head onto my lap. 

I can barely move, he muttered inside my head.  My body doesn't have enough energy to do anything.

"Shush now.  Close your eyes, Darling, and take a nap for a bit.  I'm right here beside you."  I mumbled in soothing tones as I stroked his head. 

He murmured something which I did not understand, and then fell asleep. 

Once he slept, the tiny blue flame that kept a small bit of light in our little world was snuffed out. 

I was once again in the dark but it no longer mattered.