Time of Day

"Wow!"  He gasped out loud. 

I barely even recognize you with that serious black eye.  I think I should be the one asking if you're ok. 

As he was assessing the damage done to my face, I was checking out the extent of his injury. 

On the surface, he looked undamaged, but broken ribs and collarbones were not anything that could be seen on the surface, and I had no doubt, he was in a lot of pain. 

I have some water if you think you can handle a bit of it.

Yes, please.  I can barely even talk right now.  I'm so grateful that I can just think my thoughts at you and you'd understand. 

I took out the water bottle hanging from my hip belt and held his head up so he could take a few sips, then I lowered him back onto the board.

How's Connor doing?  Is he sleeping, or is he unconscious?