On the Edge of Life and Death

Not knowing what else to say, I continued the time trace for Corwin's benefit. 

After the second explosion happened, I woke up and Connor told me he was going to go back and get you. 

When he came back through, you were unconscious and on your hoverboard.  We walked as far as we could until we reached that cave in over there, I pointed to the massive plug behind us. 

We lost more time when Connor had to figure out how to remove enough debris and concrete to squeeze us through the top.  It took us awhile to get past all that broken concrete because Connor had to levitate all of us through one-at-a-time. 

I paused to stroke Connor's head. 

He fell asleep on my lap after expending all his energy.  I have no idea how long it was between the time he fell asleep and the time you woke up.