Magikal Energies Physician

Once we were inside the hotel, we went straight into the elevator and at that point, I was separated from the twins. 

Since they had both fallen asleep, I let them rest without interruption. 

The room I was taken to was at the top of the hotel and had a huge tub inside the room. 

Warm water was already swirling around the tub, scented with some flower-smelling perfumes which I was grateful for because I was very much aware of how I must be stinking by now. 

The last time I'd had a chance to clean myself was at least four days ago. 

A nurse in scrubs was waiting inside the room to help me remove the blood-stuck, dirt-encrusted body suit.  We had to do it in stages and with the help of scissors to cut out the fabric because she had to wet down areas where my flesh wounds had bled onto the suit and then coagulated.