The Nanael Montblanc Hotel

We stood there, waiting. 

I swallowed my fear and stood in front of my men with my arms thrown out in a protective stance.  They would have a serious fight on their hands if they think they could reach Connor and Corwin without going through me first. 

I shook with dread. 

We were barely able to keep on our feet.  There was no way to outrun this approaching group, but at least I was in better shape than my twins were. 

"Hey!  Nana!  Corwin!  Or is it Connor?"  A voice called out, even at that distance.  "You guys hang on!  We're coming to ya!"

"Who the hell…" I muttered.

"Oh man.  They've got a welcoming brigade coming to meet us half way!"  Connor laughed with relief, tears streaming from his eyes and streaking the dust down his face. 

"Sweet Lover of Mine, we're saved!"  He reached out and grabbed me, planting a sound and thorough kiss on my lips.

"We are?"  I managed to choke out after he released me from his grip.