Sneaking Visits

Grandpa Montblanc poked his head in as the nurse was putting the finishing touches on the white gauze around my head.

"How is my little child doing?"  He smiled as he caught sight of my face.  "Ah!  You are looking so much better today!"

"Grandpa!"  I smiled. 

It was such a blessing to know that despite not having had any contact with him throughout my growing years, he had taken the time out of his busy day to come rescue me. 

"Thank you for picking us up the other day."

"Eh?  You think I would let my only Granddaughter wander around the desert by herself?  I had someone keep an eye on you the day you arrived.  They were told that as soon as you came out of the tunnel, we had to go pick you up."  He smiled. 

"We didn't know what happened, and why you were in the tunnel for so long, but once you came out, we knew something pretty drastic had happened."