Missing Soul Bands

I was starting to heal up from the wounds and my face, although still reddish from the bruise, was no longer that sickly green blue color. 

The bump on my forehead had all but disappeared, and most of my small scabs and fallen off of their own accord. 

I was regaining the energy I'd lost for so many weeks, and there was nothing more important to me than to check on my men. 

Usually, food was taken to my room, and then I was left alone for about an hour to eat my food.  It was the perfect opportunity to sneak out of my room. 

I waited until the meal cart had been delivered. 

Once the server had gone, I padded over to the doorway and peeked outside.  No one was in the hallways.  They were all probably eating their own lunches. 

Certainly, nobody thought I'd go anywhere since I had nothing more substantial to wear but my hospital gown, but I was past caring about my bottom peeking through the gaps.