Demon in Control

I buried my head into my arms and shook with sobs as the physicians and the healers looked on in silent witness to the calamitous tragedy that had just struck one of their brightest shining young mage stars. 

They stood around in their stoic semi-circle and allowed me to cry out my grief and frustration. 

My soul writhed in agony and yet my body felt so numb. The injuries to my body was nothing compared to the pain of losing Connor.       

"Is there a cure?  What can we do for him?"  I managed to choke out.

There was no answer from the group.   

"Is there no way to extract the demon from his psyche?"  I wailed. 

I looked up into the hopeless, helpless tired eyes of these people who were suppose to be healers and experts in their respective fields and was confronted with a wall of faces that had no answers.