Grandpa Superhero

"What about having another mage control and stabilize his organs, as in transfusion of magikal energies into him to stabilize his organs while he's healing?  Is that something possible?"

Vera nodded with some hesitancy.  "That is plausible, I guess." 

She shook her head.  "But it's not advisable for two reasons.  First, the mage who will be doing this transfusion would be at constant risk of over-extending his own energies and then flatlining himself in the process.  Even if this mage figures out what the safety threshold would be for an energy transfusion, that risk never truly goes away." 

She shook her head ruefully.  "Also, this would be a long-term commitment.  Once it has begun, the transfuser will be locked into this until the patient either recovers completely or passes away for whatever reason.  There can be no abrupt withdrawal from this task or the patient dies."