Conversations with the Demon

I projected my mental voice into that empty band of electromagnetic spectrum as loud as I could.

I waited, not sure if he understood what I was saying.  There was no indication that he even heard my projected call. 

Perhaps I was still communicating at a level that was too low to register in his awareness. 

Since I was existing within a lower electromagnetic spectrum than this demon was, perhaps I should try to sound like a more elevated consciousness. 

I tried again, this time even louder.

'I would like a word with you, kind Demon, if you wouldn't mind.'

I heard the deep rumbling of a voice, sounding all around me, at a volume that would have rattled the windows of this place had it been sound waves. 

'The chit actually knows how to speak properly.'

I quailed with fright! 

No, no, no. 

This was not the time to crap out!  This was the time to be the Queen.