Co-existence with a Demon

As Tomas Dole restarted the engine and got the RV back on the road, everyone settled back into the relative boredom of road travel.

Connor, or rather Malafar in Connor's body, went back to the bed at the back of the RV so his body could rest and recover from all the commotion. 

Vera followed behind Connor to check on his vital physical and magikal signs while Tory returned to the built-in booth near the back and resumed staring out the window at the ravaged landscape.

We were starting to drive through the City of Angels.  Since the place gave me the creeps even in the middle of a bright sunny day, I kept my eyes on Corwin as we wound our way through the large desolate ruined necropolis.   

As I sat back on the leather couch as Corwin rested his head on my lap.  He had insisted that he was not tired but I could see his long lashes fluttering as he tried to stay awake.

"Go to sleep Honeybun.  I'll wake you up if something strange happens."