Demonic Wars

"Tell me about the other demon."

Tory shook his head.  "He died."

"Can you give me more details?  Tell me a bit about it."

"There's nothing to tell.  My father got sucked into the Mage Elites.  They assigned a demon to him and turned him into a fire weapon."

I stared at him in horror.

"Oh my God, Tory."

He seemed not to notice and continued in his emotionless banter, as if it was just the weather he was casually mentioning.

"He was controlling one of the four fire balls that took out the capstone from the pyramid.  He managed to do the job that was given to him."

He looked up with tears in his eyes. 

"The Council of Mages killed him right after that."

"I'm…"  I was about to say I was sorry for his loss, but I could not bring myself to say it.