Brand New Necromancers

Once Corwin and Connor left, Andalusia became a quiet lonely place. 

Although Papa, Simon, and Rafael always joined me for dinner, I was mostly by myself during the day.  Or rather, it was mostly just me and Tory.

The boy who was so good in math that everyone wanted him to become a portal master had suddenly found a new passion.


He had seen, first hand, what necromancy did to his father.  And then he saw how it wrecked Topaz.  And again, inside the RV, he saw the demons come out and defend everyone who was in the vehicle.

He had seen Connor and how drastic the change was from the original Osiris Prince to the barely-alive one that mostly laid in bed.

Within in burned the desire to wrestle with the horrors and overcome his overwhelming fear of the demonic side of reality.  The only way for Tory to overcome the horror was to understand it thoroughly.