Demonic Maelstrom

Practicing necromancy with Tory was something I never thought I would do with any competence. 

First of all, I was a disabled thaumaturge with very little magikal energies within my body. 

Secondly, I had never been exposed to necromancy before so all this was new information for me. 

Thirdly, other than calling up Malafar to speak, I had never invoked or conjured up any other demonic being to speak of.

Unfortunately, one of the tasks of a necromancer was calling up spirits.  Since we were inside the magikally inert Andalusian castle, I had to take him outside to work the magik.

I sighed, remembering the last time I was taken out by Gabriel.  Now, since I was the Lady of the place, it was my turn to show my guest around.

I led Tory through the garden area towards the central part of the enormous underground conservatory and past the small pond.

Tory took in the sights, his eyes widening at the tranquility swimming pool.