The Body Conditions

Andalusia Forest was a beautiful giant sequoia forest with trees that stood over 300 feet tall.  If one of those trees were the size of a human, I would be an ant at the base of its foot.

The forest was so large and so tall, the ground was in perennial shadow.  During the day, it was fairly dark.  At night, the inky darkness was absolute. 

Since I did not have much magikal energy, I took a battery-operated lantern with me as I snuck into the elevator and escaped upward.

I had gone over my plan over and over in my head.  I didn't know if it would work but I had to give it my best shot.  I could not fail.  There was too much at stake.

My biggest worry was that Rafael would find out and drag me back into the underground castle so as soon as the elevator doors slid open, I ran as fast as I could into the depths of the forest. 

When I could run no more, I stood in the middle of the forest without a clue where I was, panting and sweating like a pig.