68. Off You Go

"What time is it? We can't make Jane wait." Asher was on edge since rt had rushed him to eat so he tossed the dished in to the dishwasher and rushed outside. "Hurry up you guys. We need to get to school!"

Art grabbed Cara's plate and took it to the trash, "rest in peace poor food. You deserved better." His little prayer made Cara giggle, naturally, she hid it from him though. He grabbed them some peanut butter and a few pieces of bread and made quick sandwiches for them. With a snack to eat the two left their own way.

Cara took the lead and did a light jog to school trying to escape Asher before he decided to ask what they thought of the food. Art joined Jane and Asher who had been chatting the entire time he was clean things up. "Sorry for taking a while, I was still really hungry. I must be having a growth spurt." His excuse threw Asher off of the truth and kept him in the clear.