69. Nice

"So you are ur third huh? My name is Jackson I am in class three. I'm sure you were dragged here too. At least you look like you have extra clothing, mine is still in my locker…" The large boy could easily pass for a short man. He seemed like he barely fit in the seat he had been tossed in to, and his clothing looked like it was ready to tear.

The boy named Jackson let out a long sigh, "I really am sixteen, I just got a super power called perfect body. My body is at the peak strength for a human my age. Pretty much with ideal genes, everyone would look like me. It makes clothes shopping really hard. But it makes working in my garden a lot easier."

Asher was having a hard time grasping the situation as he listened to Jackson. His sheer size was intimidating, however, his voice was soft and his hobby of gardening was able to put Asher at ease.