85. Massive fall

Jackson's face was full of terror as the tree started to slip downward. "Asher if you live, go take my place in the garden club and lead us to a victory in our orchid competition." His plea was random since terror made him think of the only other thing he had been looking forward to recently.

Asher didn't hear a single word, he was instead muttering about his own death and splat being written on his gravestone.

Onyx was trying to climb to the tree as fast as possible but soon realized he was too slow. The tree had started to fall.

The roots slowly pulled out of the cliff face and let the tree fall. The two boys were clutching on to the tree with their might. The screams they let ut were not supportive of their masculinity but could not be avoided. Jackson was trying to remain awake instead of passing out from the fear of the fall.