86. She always snacks

"How could you do this! Forget having points, you both will have negative points forever!" Onyx was distraught seeing his precious cliff tree hanging from the cliff face like a swing.

The look of his face spoke volumes of the trials he would put them through if they dared to speak back, however, Jackson did just that. "But I haven't even started camp yet...how can I have negative points?"

"How? How? Because you tore the cliff tree I planted when I first learned to climb as a kid off of the cliff and caused it to hang like some sad forgotten birthday decoration." His anger had most certainly boiled over at this point.

"How would we have known that the tree was so important? We were just taking a breather so we could climb the rest of the way down and keep from being penalized by you. It's not anyones fault it fell. Plus look, it is still attached to the cliff, right Jackson? It should stay alive."