Deadly Agreement

On a highway, In a Luxurious car doing 90mph on a freeway. Grisla Henshaw was enraged as she slammed her fist on the car window.

"Damn that asshole, does he think he gets to treat me like that!" Grislia Henshaw shouted as she clenched her teeth in anger.

"Milady please refrain from hitting the glass, the car becomes unstable," A old frail man in white driving gloves pleaded.

"Madam, what has happened? were you not able to secure a deal on the weapon?" said a lady while grooming her hair.

"Does that brat think we are related, Hell no!" said ignoring her question.

Grislia was furious about the way she was treated, from the second she asked for the weapon that brat should've been begging to give to her.

Does he think I don't dare to kill him?

She got angry just thinking about the blatant disrespect that was given to her.

"Cretia, do you have any information about the guy that owned part of the Axe?" Cretia was a lady who was dressed in a full suit of black and a security earpiece.

"Milady we have kept track of the boy with ownership of the weapon, he is keeping track of him as we speak"

"Have you found out about his family? Or any loved ones?"

"It is still too early to decide that madam…..If I may speak out of turn I have a slight suspicion that this boy may be an Orphan so getting rid of him and forcing young Michael's hand is nothing too hard to do"

"Very good capture him and sell him, send the Henshaw Secret agent recruit and let them hone themselves on a new mission"

"Madam I suggest we use weapons for this," said Cretia.

"Using guns on someone who hasn't even started cultivating is too much, I have some conscience. You attack him tomorrow make sure he is still able to do work or he will be worthless." Grisila ordered.

"Yes Mam, but how will we deal with Michael".

Grisila smiled "That bastard, he just acting tough. I just need to visit his slut mother."

Milady is wise, but you will have to speak to your father about that"

"He will approve once he knows what I stand to gain, That bastard Michael never learns"

"Yes, Mam. I will see to it that everything is carried out flawlessly. But you need to focus on starting your cultivation or you won't be able to be admitted to Skyfall Base"

Grislia nodded and said nothing else.

Joey made his way to Bulwark City Hospital, where he stayed waiting for Rayla. Doctor Stephenson who was Rayla's doctor came over to give Joey the rundown of her Diagnosis.

The doctor walked in in his blue scrub shirt and his white coat holding a pinboard."Joey, how are you doing today?"

Joey gave a fake smile and nodded.

"Good now let's talk about Rayla, your sister has been diagnosed with hypersomnia which gives a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and death. I'm not sure if you know this but your sister is very anaemic so this requires her to be on an IV until the Iron levels in her body."

"Do you know why your sister has developed hypersomnia?" Doctor Stephenson asked.

Joey made up an excuse about her eating too many sleeping pills.

"Well since that is the case this should hopefully wear of soon but… she has a chest infection that caused her to cough up blood. This should be fixed by some pills but I would like to keep her here to check over her status."

"As long as she is ok, I am fine," Joey said while squeezing his sister's arm.

"Good good, let's get onto more pressing matters," Dr Stephenson said while handing him a graphed sheet.

Joey was glad at first, hearing that his diagnosis made sense in his mind. But all good things must come to an end, Joey looked at the medical fees and he wanted to cough blood.

This was a robbery in daylight!





73, 999$

Joey thought he did the doctor wrong assuming he was just going to sell them off but he never saw this coming.

The doctor was truly an old fox!

"Doctor Stephenson with all due respect I am glad for all the care you have given my sister but I doubt that this bill is correct, I would like to talk to your Chief of Surgeon if you don't mind," Joey asked.

"Oh young Joey, I remember you saying something along the line of 'Just fix my sister dammit. I will pay you whatever you need' " the doctor said as he made a pathetic attempt to mimic Joey voice.

Joey gritted his teeth out of frustration.

"Joey, you seem to be a smart boy, If you manage to walk around this long" he paused and took a seat next to Joey "I have some nice friends that need some work done and they are looking for kids like you."

"No thank you, bastards like you make me sick. Get you Cheif of Surgeon here now!" Joey was disgusted even more by his blatant confession.

Doctor Stephenson laughed, "Joey I am the Cheif of Surgeon, stop making this harder on yourself."

"Your sister leaves here she dies, so how about we try to come to some sort of agreement. You do something for me and I help your sister"

Joey sighed as he started to consider his option "If I left right now with Rayla I could probably get her Iron tablets to help with her anaemia, Or, I could try and kill Stephenson and run away, but all of them put Rayla sister at risk" Joey thought.

"What kind of agreement are you talking about." Joy distastefully asked.

"Haha, good, but before we work together we need to get to know each other" he freed up his hand for a handshake "Peji Stephenson".

Joey looked at his hand and left it hanging, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Haha, I guess this is only normal that you don't find me pleasing to the eye".

Joey hated how pleased the Doctor seemed like he expected this sort of outcome.

"Stop with the pretending, Just spit out what you need"

Doctor Stephenson fixed his glasses on his face.

"Joey I need you to kill someone for me."