
"Do beasts really need any more of a reason than that?"

Joey secretly had to admit what he was saying was correct but to some extent. The ones who are in questions are us humans, being preyed upon by beasts that were simply hungry was too far fetched in his mind.

Humans always found a way to overcome, and if pirating treasure from 9 Skies was something they wanted, they could have done so sky beasts or no Beasts. So if being prey to sky beasts were the problem they could easily figure out a way to survive them.

But even worse than that why go to 9 Skies? Why put yourself in danger to go to a planet that just resulted in casualty? Why go so far as to endanger humanity for treasure.

This was when Joey figured he was lying, his argument simply had too many holes, but now that led to the question why? Why lie about Sky beasts being the only threat? Why hide the existence of Skies people?

Joey wanted to ask more about skies but did not want to reveal that he was aware of Skies, so he simply played dumb. He changed the topic claiming "I will Join the Sky Military After I win the Sky Academy tournament finish my 3 years".

He never wanted to take what his uncle did with a grain of salt and forget about him, he need find out everything that he did and why.

"Baha, what a pleasant surprise, We have some students who have already been admitted into the Sky Academy due to their status and some might be here to fly there now"

After a pause he said.

"I'll take you to the gym, you can meet them... if they allow it" he said, losing his previous charisma.

Joey was glad when he heard this but couldn't help but take note of his lack of charisma toward the end of the sentence.

He couldn't make an accurate guess but what scared him was the look that Ms Sina gave him that could kill. Joey realized that he might have said something he shouldn't have but he thought it was the best way to get the conversation in a different way.

Sina looked at him like a mother who was giving 'the look' when a kid was about to say something they shouldn't, he tried to avoid her gaze and hoping that she didn't act out on a whim bash him.

They walked out of the room and Waynard kept explaining trivial things like the exercises that they learned throughout the day and schedules and missions that he has been on.

Joey learned that he just flew in directly from Skyfall Military Base, he figured out that he came to bring the new Sky Military recruits when they were finished with their training and are deemed Sky warriors. Sina and Waynard occasionally spoke in code about something that Joey couldn't understand.

It took a minute for Joey to think about what he could be paying her for and the only thing he could think of was butchering, but seeing that Sina wanted to keep the sky beast a secret he never asked about it.

"Finally we are here!" Waynard said as they walked down a hall were met with a Cast Iron door that had the Military insignia in the middle, Waynard pushed in the door and said "this is the gym, sporting some of the finest training equipment of the decade... but it seems we have some guests ".

The room was lined with bench presses, dumbells that went up to 200kilos and coolers with refreshments. You had different TV's and robot sparring partner.

In the room there were two people, they were around Joey's age if not a little older, One was a girl with dark purple hair and white spots that looked like a start but Joey could see her face properly because she kept to herself.

The boy had flaming red hair that flowed down to his neck, his combat suit looked expensive with a large chest plate and engravings that said: "I am number 1". His face had a mean look that made one not want to talk to him.

"This guy looks like he has the biggest stick up his ass," Joey thought.

But that didn't stop Waynard from greeting him.

"Sincerest Greeting Little Janroes," Waynard said, showing utmost respect.


The boy clicked his tongue and didn't look back, not bothering to respond to whoever was calling it ti gun, Joey wondered If he knew who he was disrespecting and expected Waynard to straighten him out but he did no such thing, he only took it with a grain of salt.

"Is this guy the biggest p*ssy in the world?"Joey was puzzled why this kid that was about his age had the authority to disrespect a lieutenant.

"Don't mind him, he is too focused on training? "Waynard said with a wry smile, as he walked away.

Sina was seething with rage staring daggers in the boys back.

"Who was that?" He asked

Sina jumped on the reply scowled under her breath "That little shit is from the 1st family, nothing but a bunch of fools with eyes on their heads."

Waynard tried his best to calm her down saying "Sina don't let them spoil the mood, let us keep on with the tour"

"No! enough of this damn tour, take me to where we are supposed to be going!" Sina demanded, Waynard felt dejected as he was the one that suggested the tour, but it ended up having the reverse effect and spoiled Sina's mood.

"Fine, we will go and handle business," He said reluctantly while leading them to the door. He looked at Joey who was following and said "I'm going to have to ask you to wait here a little Joey, You can use the gym for a while".

"Don't work out if you sweat you'll smell-", she thought about him not carrying any scent then retracted her statement.

Joey agreed and they left the gym together to talk about who knows what.

Joey looked at the girl on the benchpress and decided to go over to her, Joey realized she was in a combat suit of her own that protected her chest. She was the only one in the room so he walked up to he to start a conversation.

"Hey, My names Joey" he said expecting a reply but she looked at Joey and said nothing.