Walking into the Lions Den

"Dammit, I hate those arrogant 1st family bastards!" Sina cursed as she left the gym.

She just came here on business and now her mood was spoiled by the blatant disrespect Nerou showed to his superior.

"Sina, don't worry about that right now, their ancestors sacrificed themselves on 9 Skies and the military gives them preference so It doesn't make sense to fight it.

It's basically investing in a new Grand Marshall, they will become a high figure in the future.

We need to talk about your apprentice, does he know what's on 9 Skies?"

"What? how should I know? If he knows what on 9 Skies what's that got to do with me. Who would still take the Sky Academy tournament if they knew that?" she took a second to calm down her temper then said, "Besides If the Military found out that someone broke the silent agreement, they would hunt them down."

Waynard thought about what she and admitted it made sense, he stood silent then said "What if whoever told him isn't a part of the military?... Or maybe they can't"

Sina looked at him like he was a paranoid buffoon "The military can kill anybody they want, If you jeopardize the safety of earth then they will kill you" she sighed with her hand on her chin then said, "Are you saying the kid is from has some old antique behind him?"

Waynard silently agreed

Sina thought about the likeliness of it, then thought to herself "If that's the case that would explain why he hasn't been abducted by any syndicates."

Sina shook the thought out of her head then explained "He is quick on his feet, I took him here because I want the military to take care of him. He doesn't deserve to live like this, I don't want him to go down the wrong path."

Waynard looked at her expression then sighed "Sina we aren't able to take everyone off the street, we have a hard time fighting off all the syndicates that kidnap the children of Sky Warriors.

They should get preference you know that dying and leaving your children behind is hard, and it's the Sky Militaries job to help them ."

He said nothing and looked at him not giving an inch. He sighed " Fine how about you give me his papers and I can find him some parent's in the military."

Sina went silent

"If he doesn't have that then how can I help him?! Sina, I know you mean well, but I can't make blood out of stone. You can't even find his birth papers?"

"Tch, Fine forget it. I'll figure out how to help him myself "

Waynard hesitated when he finally forced himself to say "Sina I know you might not be ready… but consider taking in the boy, If you don't want him to go to go down the wrong road."

Sina glared at him while clenching her teeth then clicked her tongue "Forget I said anything, I'll help him myself "

"Sorry, but I really wish I could help, but this is too much"

"Enough of that, let's get down to business, Where is the Endra?" she said annoyed with the conversation "Right this way, I would like you to see it first" Waynard replied, leading her away.

Back in the Gym, Joey got pushed to the ground brutally by Nerou's. Joey began to realize that he really was a lot stronger and he was suppressing his strength.

Joey tried to dodged his palm but he was unable to.

"You really dare to dodge me brat? I can pinch you to death!"

"Enough, Nerou it makes no sense trying to kill him, let's just leave," Mia said as she got up finally putting away her phone.

"Tch, It's starting to smell here anyway" Nerou sneered, he began to leave the gym but not without casting Joey a cold glare.

Joey couldn't help but count his lucky stars. Nerou was a lot stronger and could have beaten him with ease.

Then he turned angry.

"Is the guy a dunce? He just picks fights with people?"

He was long used to people having two faces and wasn't surprised by their behaviour.

He dusted himself off while walking over to the Thai Sung Fury and observed it with keen interest through the glass.

The robot was stationary and was slouched in the cuboid glass container, he pushed the glass door and entered the chamber, the door went up in the air and he walked in. He was greeted with a user interface.

[New Account / Log into Existing account]

Joey made a new account and used his phone number instead of an email, after he verified the account he was looking on the interface and clicked unawakened after lying that he was in the Sky Academy by typing in a random ID number.

[Enter your name to begin]

Joey looked at the screen long and hard, he never had much hope that he would do well so he didn't want to think long and hard about the name.


Joey confirmed his name after trying not to think too hard about it.

[Once Thai Sung Fury has started you will not be able to pause… are you sure you want to start?]


After Joey selected yes, the machine stood up menacingly, the steam blew from tubes into his back. The robot's eyes lit up with a scary light gave it an intimidating look. The steam made the temperature drop inside the chamber.

"Which son of a bitch wants some ass-whooping now?"

The robot said in a sinister robotic voice, Its arms blew off steam, his shoulders dropped in a mid guard. His arms swayed watching Joey like a lion stalking his prey.

"Tell me how you want me to kill you kid!"

Joey stood with a militant expression on his face, the robot found his chance and moved like a bolt of lightning as he threw a jab. The push passed Joey by the ears and he felt himself losing balance.

Then the robot smiled seeing his expression.

"Welcome to the Lions Den Kid".