Beating Thai Sung Fury

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The robot threw out jabs at Joey's head, they would hone into his head like a heat-seeking missile and the robot wouldn't forget to throw insults at him. Joey could only dodge facing the might of the Thai Sung Fury.

(AN: Name of the robot is Thai Sung and it is a game called Thai Sung Fury)

"Stop running like a bitch!"

"I don't remember boys having bigger p*ssies than girls!"

"Your KidNotorious? More like BitchNotorious!"

Joey figured out that the robot was trying to get under his skin with the insults to make him lose concentration.

But that wasn't going to work on Joey, after he fought with Ms Moore he learned not to listen to whatever his foe was talking about.

The moment Joey finally found himself getting a rhythm he changed his stance and started using leg combos.

His eyes tracked all his four limbs and his mind calculated the moves he needed to make.

Joey was a genius with prediction and perception.

The speed the robot came with was daunting, Joey realized that it was harder dodging the robot.

The Robot fought in a way that forced you to dodge, and the more you dodged the more the robot would exploit your weakness. It was a fight on how few mistakes you would make. But you were only human and so was Joey.

But seeing the Fully Cast Iron Robot eyes brimming with redlight like a raging bull, The Robot burst to out a sidekick towards Joey's head.

Joey didn't have time to turn his eyes but his eyes locked into the robot gearing up and his body automatically made him duck.


Joey continued to watch the robot's move like someone waiting to jump into a skipping rope contest, he was trying to discover the best moment to try to jump him and start fighting him.


The moment the Thai Sung changed his stance and raised his leg for an axe kick Joey flashed toward his only working leg and slammed it with a strong right arm.

The punch didn't break his Thai Sung's leg but he left his fist printed in the iron around his knee, Thai Sung was quick on his feet and he threw a punch but Joey never backed down and met with a strong left hook of his own.


Thai Sung had an interface for his face and the sinister smile was gone, his eyes flashed with a light of realization.

"You think I can't break you bitch made bones!" He said in an arrogant robotic voice.

Thai Sung broke into fierce combat, and Joey found himself going all out against 900kg (1,984lbs) of cast iron. Joey was started to pick up momentum and started to overpower Thai Sung.

His reservoir of curse words and derogatory words never ended as Joey kept.

"Bitch bred piece of shit!"

"Burn in hell!"

"I'll kill your family!"

"I'll kill everyone you love!"

The robot shouted his tone gotten a sinister demonic tone, his facial display glowed bright red as his insults began shorting out giving them a chill-inducing feeling.

His voice dropped octaves as Joey pounded furiously on his joints.

Then his fatal weakness started to show.

Sparks started to fly from Joey ruthless pounding, He jumped off the ground and swung his hand into the side of Thai Sung's brain...or circuit.

Thai Sung fell awkwardly and sparked like a firework.

"Y-you bitch! I will kill y-youuuuu," He said as his voice died out and his face went dim.

"Phew, this guy curses more than a bar at night," Joey thought.

His body felt refreshed and Joey realized the Martial Arts he copied were effective in finishing the fight faster and he wasn't able to properly learn it yet, the movement he learned paired with his killer instinct and strength.

Thai Sung Fury was no match and he was satisfied.

He looked over to the timer for 5 minutes and smile he remembered that Nerou's high score was about 6 minutes.

Joey reckoned if he was using his staff he would be able to leave the head off Thai Sung's head in less than 3 minutes but he was still weaker than Nerou who suppressed his level.

He was practically smurfing.

When Joey looked at the robot he ran out of the room. He got too caught up in the moment and didn't realize that this was military property.

If he got caught wouldn't he have to pay?

He had no money!

"Maybe I should have broken the machine, beating it should have been enough"

He ran out of the glass room and took his bags and left the gym.

In Skyfall Military Base, there was Jason Buggs who had dark circles under his eyes was typing away on a computer. He was constantly watching over the different records that students have made while fighting the Thai Sung Fury.

He saw Nerou Janroes beat the score by 2 minutes from someone who was also a first family.

"These guys from the 1st Families, keep scoring under 10 minutes. I might have to make an anti-smurfing mechanism" Jason said.

He was coding new insults into the Thai Sung Fury database when he heard an alarm, he flew up from the noise because he wasn't sure what it was. But he soon realized this was the alert for when a Thai Sung Fury went offline.

"What who the hell would unplug the Thai Sung Fury?"

Jason quickly went into the record of all the recent fights and looked through them to see if someone was trying to steal Thai Sung Fury to develop their own game.

Even if it was surfing, he still suppressed his strength, he tried to come to terms with being afraid of any trouble with them.

But what Jason saw made his jaw drop, you could fit an egg in his throat.

He watched the video more than two times, he had just updated the ranking and put Nerou Janroes and Uneo Dyeoxs at second but this put a hole in all their plans.

At first, it seemed like a regular video, It started with the Thai Sung's Devilish burst of speed putting the student on the back foot from the start.

The video started normally but when Jason saw the 'student' starting to fight Thai Sung he was dumbstruck that a student had enough balls to fight Thai Sung with their bare hands.

But that wasn't even the out of the ordinary thing.

He actually won!

The student left heavy fit prints deep into Thai Sung's Cast Iron frame.

After his third time watching the video, he finally realized that it wasn't a lie, he reloaded the system multiple times to see if it would go away.

If someone edited the video he would have known but it wasn't.

He wished he could've gotten a better angle to see his face, he secretly made up his mind to get a better angle. But decided it was better to properly blur his face.

He reluctantly looked at the game ranking and updated the Forum rankings accordingly and added 5:13(Destroyed) and the video of Joey.

He knew Nerous was smurfing but he had to put him on the ranking either way or he could have bad connections with them.

He looked at the ranking he just updated sighed "Who the hell is KidNotorious?".

To be able to beat the unawakened time of the 1st family.

Where did he come from?

(AN: Afraid some of you might not be clear, Nerou broke the record which was 8 minutes after he timed 6 minutes and Joey did 5 minutes.)