
May Lion struck his blazing gauntlets towards his head, but in a split second, Joey's hand moved like a ghost and slashed May Lions arm from the Elbow down. He played possum.

His Arm fell and the gauntlet's bright light sizzled the ground and faded dim. He took May Lions brief moment of shock and quickly ran away to the side.

The crowd was mixed with shouts of excitement and anger. Joey was looking at May Lion when he shouted "You bastard! Do you know what you did? May Lion's eyes trembled with anger as he looked at his hands lopped off on the ground.

"Summer has to end someday"

Adrenaline flowed through Joey's body and kept pushing himself and rushed toward May Lion.

May Lion raised his single hand and rushed into Joey's combat zone. Joey tried to make a brazen killing slash for his throat but May Lion still proved formidable.

A hurricane of flashes could be seen from the crowd. May Lion landed another burned in his chest but his eyes shone bright blue and left streaks of blue light.

His eyes became detached and moved like they had a mind of their own.

Tracking down the threat.

His body followed his thoughts, he kept slashing the Joints of May Lion chipping them inch by inch to the bone. After another minute of deadly dances, May Lion's hands were covered in cut marks that bleed profusely. However, Joey faed no better with the hole in his chest.

He started to lose his shot of adrenaline and the fatigue started to wash his body. May Lion looked at him with bloodshot eyes "Hahaha, you could've fooled me but I'm not done yet!".

His body burst with a scary light, it illuminated the stadium like a flashlight "It's time kid someone gotta die and it ain't gonna be me", his skin and shone like it was a light bulb came a loud screech from his gauntlets when the light washed it and its beak widened.

"What is your power called?"

"It's the weapon. I am not awakened, Its called Condense light" May Lion gave a succinct reply. He never bothered to explain anything else. The power around his hand raged, May Lion's arm stopped bleeding and he stood menacingly ready to fight.

Joey had nothing more in his arsenal other than fighting to the death. "Maybe I wasn't meant to live long enough to have a happy life, Maybe going down in a blaze of glory is a good thing" Joey took a deep breath and sucked in one last deep breath.

He held his dented sword and pointed it towards May Lion.

"Good now I won't feel bad" May Lions didn't say anything more, Joey's feet were pressed in the ground and fatigue. He waited for May Lion to rush toward him. His build-up was different, he left large feet marks that melted in the grounds.

Joey saw the silhouette of a Raging eagle behind his fist, Joey accepted his fate of death and had no fear. He cut his sword forward toward the Gauntlet, the sword went straight for May Lion neck leaving his body open

The impact produced a large 'Boom' that resounded throughout the room. Joey's sword trembled as he tried to cut his neck off.

May Lion's fist landed in his stomach. The burn invaded Joey's chest ravaging his organs, May Lion smiled with satisfaction.

However, Joey had yet to fall. May Lion was shocked when he saw Joey glared at him with resentment. In his shock, Joey's hand moved like a spirit as he slashed toward May Lion's throat. May Lion saw the rapidly approaching and tried to dodge the attack and used his fist to blow Joey off the stage.

Joey's body flew from the stage and slammed into the Martial Center wall.

May Lion wanted to celebrate but a thin red line that passed through his Adam's apple. His expression went bleak when he felt the blood gushing out of the wounds.

He fell to his knees in fright, his expression was bleak when he realized that the bleeding was stopping. In his excessive blood loss, his mind started to flash with memories. Particularly earlier that day.




"Uncle May! Are you going to fight again, what if you don't come back…" A little girl about the same age as Rayla held his knee as she pleaded for him not to go her eyes were clear and innocent showing she was just a child.

"Silly girl, No one can beat me and Pure Falcon. Make sure you train and get strong. I won't die before you get old enough" May Lion rubbed her head then he wiped the tear off her face. "How about when I reach home today we go and eat something nice, my treat"

"Your promise?" the girl asked, looking at him with puppy eyes. "Of course silly! Now stop crying, People rarely die in those fights anyway so why worry?" May Lion lifted her and threw her in the air, he was a lot kinder now.

"Then why is it called Afterlife? I read it from the book you have" The little girl pouted her lips in defiance, May Lion snapped "Dammit, didn't I say don't go through my things brat!" he pinched and twisted her cheeks.

"I never read any with naked women uncle, Don't worry" May Lion's face contorted out of embarrassment and rage, "BRAT!".

After giving her a good beating he packed his bag and said "Make sure the place is clean when I come back or you're gonna have hell to pay; practice your Martial Arts too, ok?" He turned around the said, "Make your mother proud, I will do my best to keep my promise ok?"

"Yes Uncle!" she clenched her fist in anticipation and new resolve, then watched her uncle May leave the house for the last time.

May Lion who was on the stage was choking on tears and blood thinking of his niece that he left at home and whom he promised to return.

He wished nothing more than a second chance for him to go and give her a happy life. She was a sweet little girl that deserved better, but life was unfair to a lot of people.

May Lion wished the best for his niece, it was hard for someone to live on their own especially at her age. He sobbed while holding his bleeding throat as he gasped for air and died with wide eyes.