
The Martial Center went silent, the people in the audience were properly shocked. Both of them were dead so what should they do now? They waited for the voice to say something never came, It even seemed like he was surprised.

"Do we get to keep our money?"

"Who would have thought that they both would have died"

"Yahaha, you will all lose your money" laughed a man who wagered nothing.

"Dammit! I really thought that guy would win" Eisha who was in the crowd cast a meaningful glance at Michael for giving her a wrong prediction. She was persuaded by this passive-aggressive oaf and now she lost money. Now she didn't know what they would do.

Would they have to take her money? The chances of her getting her money back were slim to none.

While she was thinking about what would happen to her she heard a booming voice in the Martial Center " Ladies and Gentlemen May Lion has reached the Afterlife." This caused a burst of confusion on the ground.

The voice never came back, within the crowd, someone shouted "look!", Mia looked in the direction that everybody was looking and saw a bloody person with a hole in his chest bleeding. "Is he alive?" someone asked but no one got a reply.

Gravity started to pry the unconscious body away from the hole in the wall, "Hey is no one gonna save him! He will die if he falls" Eisha shouted but no one moved and they all stood still. Michael wanted to run after the body out of kindness but he was too far.

Just then a ghost appeared out of thin air, Actually, It was a suit of armour that looked bleak and had green flames coming from it. They were able to see the bright green glow that shone through the Armor.

It was a suit of samurai armour, the ghost wore a scary mask and had a long spear on its back that seemed to contradict. The ghost caught Joey with one arm and looked at his wounds. It muttered something then pulled out a jar of blue gel and poured it in the holes across his chest

The wounds were bleeding then the ghost said "Bamon, Are you happy? He has no business with you, I am going to take him with me". The ghost voice sounded exactly like it looked.

The ghost got no reply and no one knew who it was talking to. It then vanished from its spot and was outside, where it picked up Joey's staff and disappeared into the dark of night with Joey.

"I-its was Oricon!"

"That guy is so intimidating I forgot to breath"

"Breath? I forgot to take his picture!"

That night the match caused a huge upset within the Martial Center. A match of that calibre was instantly spread on the internet and the Afterlife Forum. Afterlife fighters were surprised to see someone give up on defending and sacrifice themselves toward the kill.

Noone was a fool enough to do anything like that.

The brief appearance of Oricon had people talking about the relationship between the fighters.

Days went by then 1 week passed.

Joey's eyes trembled as he woke up, he opened his eyes and found that he was in a large metallic room with no furniture. I front of him was a samurai with a long spear.

"What the hell- Agh!" Joey tried to run away but his chest was splitting, He looked at his chest and saw his chest was bondaged in a thin rubber like wrapping. They weren't referred to as bandages but we're used to closing large wounds.

When he ran the Ghost samurai moved toward to him with one step, he couldn't move fast enough to get away from him.

Joey started to crawl then when the Ghost samurai came closer he swung a fist around in his mask but the ghost didn't even flinch, Joey's fist pounded the armour and his fist got instantly red "Dammit, fuck" Joey held his arm in pain.

Then loud laughter came out, it wasn't mysterious or creepy; it was feminine. It was a very melancholic laugh, It was like a little little girl was playing in the rain. Joey looked to the ghost armour where the ghost laughter was coming from.

"Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you. I should tell your doctor's would throw a fit if they saw you moving." The green ghost armour spoke in a woman's voice.

"W-what?" Joey was confused.

"It's ok to be confused, you were out for a whole week" The suit of armour sat on the floor then asked, "Do you want me to explain?". Joey nodded then the suit of armour agreed.

It went over after the match that it was the one that saved him from dying. When it brought him here he was in critical condition and he went through surgery. His surgery was long so he had not been recovering too long yet. The bandages were hoping to close his chest wounds. He also learned that he was taken somewhere but he never learned where exactly, It was always skipped over.

"Then after that, I came here to look for you, but you woke up" The ghost finished his story and Joey wasn't believing everything he was being told as yet."If you don't want to believe me it's not my problem, I just wanted to help." The suit of armour stood up and turned around.

"Who are you?" Joey asked

"My name Mila" the ghost took off its helmet and revealed long flowing wheat hair. It was a woman with a chiselled face structure and a strong jawline. She had long pale green hair and a small nose. Joey couldn't see any more of her because she only took off the helmet, but she was beautiful.

"Why should I believe you?" Joey asked then the lady summoned something and threw it to him. Joey looked in his hand and saw that this was his staff and the mask he wore along with other things. "Where did you get this?" he asked.

"Not even a thank you?" The Ymilas was annoyed by his lack of respect. She waited for a reply but got nothing, "Tch" she clicked her tongue and walked away.

As she turned around and started to walk away, Joey used his staff and swung it toward her.