No choice

Joey grabbed his 9ft, long staff.

As she turned around and started to walk away. Joey took it and swung it toward her. The strike was fast and had intended to kill.

The staff zipped toward her but went through her.

Her figure flickered then disappeared as the staff got close to her. Mila spun and kicked Joey off his feet and made him fall to the ground.

Joeys face was dribbled with cold sweat at his blunder as his body started to grow cold and his face went pale. Ymilas' reappeared in front of him.

Her body released some aura that made him freeze.

She smiled as she found his helplessness funny.

"You should really stop moving your chest wound. It's tiring, I know you have a hard time trusting people but this is annoying, Just calm down and think straight for once."

Mila was not upset as her smile never seemed sinister or fake. It made Joey curious about what to do "You can do whatever you want but I doubt you will be able to save Rayla without my help".

Joey's eyes widened at the mention of his sister "Where the hell is she!"

Milasraised her hand in the air and signalled him to be quiet "She is still at the hospital. That doctor had no intention of letting her go, he just used you to pay off his debt, All the money you won is in his pockets."

Joey kneeled in silence and listened as he was frozen by the pressure from Mila body "I think he has a large debt to Enigma 7, they are an evil syndicate that takes debt seriously, You're a fool for trusting someone who would threaten someone you love".

She paused then explained "Stephenson has a history of working with different syndicates, so this is not surprising. I'm planning to go after him but I can't if you're not going to trust me.

I'm a person of action so I don't want to see you go through some dumb phase of you beating yourself up.

Right now you're wasting my time, yours and your sister. So I think the best thing to do right now is to trust me, If you do you will be able to help your sister."

Joey had no choice but to fake acceptance, she was threatening Joey to trust her and she hardly seemed to be joking, but he did what he had to do to get himself out of that position.

"I trust you".

Mila smiled then asked, "Do you remember the guys wearing ski masks?". The question caught him off guard but he eventually remembered what she was implying, but he never understood why she brought it up.

Joey then nodded with a confused expression. She then explained "Those guys are with me. They weren't going to hurt you, they would have taken you here where you would have been safe under our protection.

I heard you ran like a madman when you saw them, but it is our fault. We normally wear ski masks at night so when I sent them on the mission to take you in. I guess you got the wrong idea."

Mila looked at him then said, "I will allow you to move so you can ask your questions, ok?". The strange power that constricted him eased off him. He jumped back to a safe distance and observed her from afar. "Why are you helping me?"

"You have no choice, you have to take my help. To explain it better It's just what we do"

"Who the hell are we?"

"Come and see for yourself" Mila got up and stretched her back then offered Joey a hand off the ground. Joey walked out of the metal room with the help of Mila because of his weakened state. When he walked outside the metal room door, it was like a factory. People were constantly walking around and it was noisy.

It wasn't noisy but they were working efficiently. They moved like a military brigade carrying boxes across the floors. You could see all the other floors down below. The floor they were on was full of people that were clicking keys on their keyboard. The people working spoke in silence and they never made too much noise.

As they walked through the floor, Mila was the centre of attraction when they were walking through the hall of the floor. "Where are we going?" Joey was heavily reliant on her for support and didn't like to be seen his way.

"Enough nonsense, you can barely walk around by yourself". Joey hated his weakened state.

They both took an elevator to the highest floor they could go on. Joey finally was able to see his injuries were serious and weird looking, his flesh was pink and a piece of it was missing but it never pained him.

"How long will it take to heal?"

Mila laughed at his question "You finally realize huh? Your own injuries could have killed you, so I don't know why you're so guarded".

Joey shook his head at her statement because she couldn't begin to understand.

They continued toward the elevator.

As they went into the elevator, You could see that was futuristic and made out of shiny blue metal. He followed her into the elevator where stood, expecting it to go up.

The elevator had different plans. The elevator dropped at started falling toward the ground at an unimaginable speed.

Joey's heart sank as the ground came closer and closer threatening to turn them both into ground beef. and started to freak out inwardly.

Milas stood calmly I'm her samurai suit as the elevator was falling.

Joey wondered "Did she really go through all that trouble to kill me? Even after all that speech, Is she really going back on her word? Why is everyone after my blood!".

Unfortunately Joey questions came with no answers.