Children of the Night

Mila stood calmly in her samurai armour set as the elevator was plunging into the ground. Joey couldn't help but wonder "Did she really go through all that trouble to kill me? Even after all that speech, Is she really going back on her word?"

"Why is everyone after my blood!".

Unfortunately, Joey questions came with no answers.

The elevator continued on its crash course down to the ground the whirring noises became stronger as it approached the ground. When the elevator was about to hit the ground, Mila held him so he could stop moving around.

The elevator finally reached right above the ground. Joey closed his eyes as he was waiting for the elevator Joey opened his eyes to see that there was another layer below the ground.

One that was a lot brighter and livelier.

The light shone brightly in his eyes, he moved his hand and looked at what seemed to be like a headquarters of maybe a very very small civilisation.

The world below him looked civil, they were separated walked in their own groups discussing their own topics. They all looked similar in the clothes they wore uniforms. They were leisurely like they didn't seem to have a care in the world.

The elevator finally stopped its descent when they were finally on the ground. Joey's insides felt like they were turned upside down however he held it down.

The elevator door started to open when Milas said with amaze "I'm surprised you kept your inside after that". Joey never paid her any mind, he looked out the elevator doors, as it opened he could see all eyes stare at them like they were some kind of alien.

Milas led him out of the elevator and walked on the shiny blue steel floor. "What's happening?". His question only went in Milas' ear and through the other.

She simply ignored his questions "This is what I mean by us. It is an organisation that dedicates itself to helping orphans to find somewhere to stay. The orphans that are saved by the organisation are what keep it running. They train and get stronger and lead another generation of the organisation.

You could think of it as a village, they. It's only about couple thousand people at most, they try to keep their numbers low so they aren't easily discovered.

I was taken in by them in the past, now I come back every now and then to check upon them. As for their name is a subject of discussion but are Children of the Night (COTN)."

Joey wasn't particularly interested in some elaborate underground organisation. While he was grateful for the save he didn't want to waste her time. "I respect all that you do but I need to save my sister and join the military." Joey expressed, Mila replied. "I will help you. There is something I want that only you can give me and there is no other way to get it." Ymilas smiled looking at Joey's expression.

"What the hell could I give you that you can't get yourself?" Joey thought to himself.

"Nevermind that, we didn't come down here to talk. let's get going" Mila ordered. As they were walking further someone appeared Infront of them. It was a frail-looking old man that had his arms tucked away being him.

He wore scholarly robes that covered his small frame; he looked wise.

"Mila, is this the young lad that you picked up recently? the man spoke as he rubbed his chin and looked at Joey, his voice sounded weak and soft.

"Yeah I'm going to take him to the medical floor first, he is of no use half-dead," Mila said, The man let out a hearty laugh "Your right you getting in the role already, are you sure he is the one you need?".

"Yes he is the right age and he also has a sister, she shouldn't be too hard to deal with" Mila replied.

"Well as long as you're sure" The old man walked over to Joey, he always had a cunning smile on his face " Hello young lad my name is Vincent, no need to be so alert".

His harmless smile have Joey am eerie feeling. Joey just stared him down making the conversation awkward.

Mila finally stepped in and said, "Joey, Vincent here is the leader of the organisation. In other words he is the strongest person here. A little respect wouldn't kill especially since his doctors are keeping you alive".

"Nonsense, you're selling yourself too short, I'm just an old fool waiting to kick the bucket. As for little Joey here, It's normal to be cautious, I can only imagine what he has been through when he was alone.

But you should know that everyone else here has been through the same, thing the same process of healing, It at be hard at first but I hope you accept us" Vincent patted Joey on his shoulder then he walked away.

"It looks like the only thing your good for is making everything a chore. C'mon let's go meet the doctors"

"No, I want to know more about the situation of my sister and how you plan to save her. Enough of this bullshit!" Joey shouted but he was quickly met with a flick of her finger that vibrated her skull. Her fingers felt like they were made out of heavy lead.

"I have lived too long for you to be disrespecting me. Let's get you a check-up then we can talk about your sister." She walked away while Joey never moved from his position.

"Now!" Mia shouted as he stomped her feet on the ground.

Joey snapped out of his daze when he heard Mila shout at him. He wanted to defy her but it didn't seem like the wise thing to upset her when he was somewhere he didn't know."Does she think she is my mother?" naturally he only thought of this. He didn't know what would make her angry.