
Mila walked out and Joey followed slowly behind her. The two walked for a while before they came in front of a glowing red first aid sign.

"Good we're here"

They walked toward the doors as they made a mechanical noise and granted them a pass. She walked past all the people and went over to a section called surgery. Walking through the halls of the surgery ward you were able to see many doctors running around the place like headless chickens.

A doctor who was running through the halls almost bumped into Joey. Joeys heart fell because he was sure the pain would be unbearable. Luckily the doctor jumped out of the way.

"Dammit kid, watch where your going kid!" The doctor was slim built and looked like the embodiment of no sleep. He had dark circles around his eyes and he had a horrifying hunch in his back.

"Isco, this is the boy you did the surgery on. I took him here for a check-up"

"huh, that guy is walking? his wound shouldn't have been healed over so easily. What the hell is this?" he took off his spectacles and started to observed Joey's being. After checking what he could he shook his head in disappointment "I don't know how you did it kid, Maybe there is something else I'm missing"

"C'mon kid let's go to my office let me give you a proper check-up" Isco started to lead the way to his office with haste. When they arrived to his office, you could see mountains of disorganized papers piled into mountains on the ground. You could smell the faint must that was locked in the room from the lack of ventilation.

"Here kid" he beckoned with a wave. He patted a mountain of papers where he was supposed to sit down on and started to do the check up.

He drew blood and looked down his throat with his tongs, he took out his stethoscope and started pressing it over his body while he jotted down notes on a notepad. He finally inspected his whole body them finished up all his records.

"hmm, something's not quite right. Let me run so me run some more tests" Isco cleared off his desk then put his gloves on "sit here" he said gesturing for Joey to sit.

"Don't you have anywhere else better I can sit, maybe somewhere cleaner?"

"Do you have somewhere else to go?" Joey looked at Mila and she only shook her head, he sighed as he walked over to the table.

At least he places some paper over the bed before he laid down. Isco cut the bandages off his chest and pain came over his chest, it was a burning pain that made him feel great discomfort.

Joey realized that he underestimate after he injury. It was the bandages that was keeping him from feeling pain. Looking at Joey's chest you could see a large pink scarring tissue in his chest. It was very sensitive and delicate as it had not been fully developed as yet.

"kid, are you related to anyone from the 1st families?"

"N-no I'm not and I'm sure of it".

Isco started thinking of a million other things to fit his brain but nothing seems to fit his description "Only taking a week to recover from near death. I guess the younger generation of people is stronger".

Isco bandages him again with the same bandages and the pain subsided "That's enough, get off the table before you break it" Isco shooed Joey away.

"Good, It should break? I never even wanted to go on top" Joey cursed inwardly.

"That will be 34,903$", Isco held his hand Infront of Joey and demanded, he looked at Joeys expression and sighed " Fine you can pay it off with labour? It will only take like 4 years"

"What? I never heard anything about this first. Why after the treatment! If I knew about your scummy personality I wouldn't have come here. I mean look at the place" Jacob cursed inwardly.

You can't even see the floor!

"You expect me to pay that kind of price when you never even had the decency to clean your goddamn office!"

"It's ok Joey" while in the middle of his tangent. behind him, Mila spoke as she walked toward Isco.

"I'll pay. It's no problem, remind me of the cost" that gesture made Joey shocked by what she was doing and shouted "I'm not paying you back either".

"It's Fine. I don't expect you to" she continued to settle the bill with Isco while Joey stood there silently, "C'mon let's go" she said walking out of the room. Just before they were out a pole of books started to dispute and tumbled down.

The pile of books were about to fall on Mila. At the top, A large axe came tumbling down. She never expected an axe to be somewhere like this. She dodged it narrowly it only cutting only a block of her hair.

"Mila! Are you ok? I really should clean this place up. I'll compensate you, I totally forgot I had that thing up there" Isco rushed over to his pile of books that fell over and started apologizing profusely.

"I don't think I know any other doctor who would keep an Axe in their room"

"It use to be an old antique, Now I am too busy to collect" It was awkward for Isco trying to explain how he had it up there.

Isco who was still inside the room stood until they were both gone. He took out a test tube then dropped a strand of sample hair inside. He looked at the sample hair inside with interest when he finally got a call.

"Isco, Is it done?"

"Yes Master, We experience no trouble. It all went smoothly"

"Good make sure that they suspect nothing. Finish your research, We will start as soon as possible. We need the element of surprise".

"Yes sir, I will start right away" Then Isco hung up the phone.