
"Yes sir, I will start right away" Then Isco hung up the phone.

After he hung up the phone, he walked between his book and came upon a clean part of his wall. It looked like it had been freshly painted.

He walked up to the wall and took out his stethoscope and placed it on the wall, then he used his stethoscope to listen inside the wall. He listened around then marked a spot with his finger. He then took out a green scalpel from his doctor's coat and pushed it into the wall. It went easily like it was a perfect fit. With a twist of his hand he turned the old key.

An audible 'kerchunk!' could be heard, soon after the wall started to cream and open revealing a passage. Isco smiled then walked in.

"Why did you pay for me?" Joey, who was following behind Mila asked. The walk was awkward with no one starting a conversation. it felt like they were walking around aimlessly.

"We can talk about it later. Right now we need to leave" she said it nonchalantly, though it was hard for Joey to forget about. Joey who was always skeptical of people, it was hard to not think about something. He could barely imagine what she would have wanted.

"Are you going to leave like that?"

"Like what?"

Joey pointed at her helmet that covered her head, "This? It's no problem" She stood and a green shadow glowed and came over her body. The armour around her body started to vanish and deep into her body.

After a couple seconds, her samurai armour disappeared.

"Is this better?"

She was slim built, her height was about 6'2 with long flowing hair. Her body had graceful curves and clothes that complimented her. Large breasts sat upon her chest like a king upon his throne.

Joey, however, could only explain what he saw as dizzying, he never witnessed anything like this before.

Where did her armour go!

Mila looked at Joey's surprised face with a satisfied grin and said "C'mon let's go. The floors were confusing and a lot of things were identical to each other and it was hard to find out where you were.

After what seemed like hours. They finally boarded another elevator, Mila entered a sequence code then the elevator flew upward with a stomach turning speed that was equally as sickening as the last.

They reached the first floor where he had woken up. Looking around, Joey figured the people on the top were just a cover-up for what was down below. They posed as a clinic on the surface. People even used the same elevator he used but it worked like an actual elevator. Only a few people seemed to know about what happened below while others didn't seem to care.

They left the clinic and then chartered a full taxi. Chartering a Taxi felt like a luxury for Joey but he couldn't enjoy it without knowing his sister was in danger. He tried to ask about this but he was dismissed every time.

They finally reached their destination at a beach side restaurant. The view was magnificent and it had a calm atmosphere.

They were seated by a waiter who seemed to be infatuated by Mila. "Choose anything you like" Mila said after the waiter handed them the menu.

"I'm not hungry, I came here to talk about my sister not eating" After he said this a loud grumble game from his stomach. The noise disrupted the atmosphere and git people throwing side glances.

"It sounds like kraken in there says otherwise '' Mila joked. "I'll order for you, Anything with the most meat for the boyThe waiter who stood by her side quickly ran off with the order.

"You need to build up your body for the future."

"Future? What future are you talking about? We barely know each other and God knows why you're helping me. Tell me about my sister"

Mila sighed "Fine, We'll talk about your sister" she took a pause then started. "Your sister should still be at the hospital. Although I don't know if she is even getting proper treatment or not. Dr. Stephenson doesn't bother with things that don't benefit him. So her still being there is pure luck, although….."

"Although what?"Joey asked eagerly.

"It's nothing nevermind" after a sip of water she continued "Like I mentioned before he has had a history of collusions with an evil syndicate called Enigma 7. He has borrowed money from them to fund his research, That is why he essentially used you to fight the afterlife and took the money you earned.

The amount of money you won for yourself and the people who bet on you was ridiculous. You were the underdog so the gains were not little. He more than likely used that money to pay Enigma 7. Although I don't know what the research is, I doubt it's anything good.

"I don't care about what he might be doing or the money, I want Rayla back" Joey said succinctly. The money would make anyone feel salty but he couldn't feel that with his sister in danger

'That is true, that's the Sky military's Job to figure out how to research. I also suspect he might also use live test subject to conduct his research",

"Doesn't that mean Rayla will be tested on!" Joey shouted, outburst got the attention of the people around him.

"Sit down and stop making a scene" Mila seethed under her breath. She then waited for Joey to sit down. "The possibility is there that is why we need to get her out. Stephenson doesn't know if you're alive or dead, with me here we can bet her back easily. It's just a matter of timing.

We need to be able to get in there and out with your sister before the military comes to secure the perimeter. Not to mention the amount of people from Enigma 7 that are disguised as doctors."