Returning to Bulwark Hospital

Them to a random lane that was close to the hospital. They were not going to go straight to the hospital because with modern technology it was possible to trace them and probably find their identities. Mila couldn't afford to get caught as she was just about to join the Sky Military and Joey didn't know how much risk she was taking on.

"Wear this, It doesn't make sense we cause havoc at one of Bulwarks main hospital without wearing masks" Mila handed Joey a mask that looked like a dragon's mouth, It was fire red and had large canines inside. It covered his mouth entire mouth.

"Won't people recognize me?" Joey asked as he looked at Mila. She gave a low chuckle and said "If people see your eyes and nose it's not a problem. It will be hard for people to figure it's you if they don't know it's you. Besides, It's not like we're going to be talking with them. "

"Alright, I will wear it" Joey put on the mask, Mila put on a mask of her own. Joey realized a lot of people knew that it was in the armour, which led him to ask " What name did you use in the Afterlife matches?"

"Oricone, people don't know me as Mila though. They just know the armour set as Oricone, but it might be possible for them to find out my identity through Children of the Night '' she paused then explained "I trust them enough not to snitch me out, but I lived long enough not to trust blindly. I always expect the worst so nothing ever surprises me."

(AN: Children of the night, it was referred to when they first met. It was where Mila took Joey to heal his wounds.)

She then took the opportunity to teach Joey something, she lifted her lips to say "You shouldn't trust blindly either, everyone has a price they would sell you out for. Find people that don't have a price. They might be hard to come by, but they will be the people you can trust the most. They should be your friends.

Joey saw a lot of truth in what she was saying. He wasn't surprised she had such an outlook on others, she had been through a lot.

"You can use that to find a girlfriend too" Mila added and Joey's face turned black. "C'mon let's go. Wait until I get everyone's attention, then you jump toward his office…..and remember 10 minutes."

"I remember"

"Alright, time to get this show on the road" Mila adjusted the mask on her face did her hair in a bun and walked out of the alleyway. She walked up to the security post and disappeared with a flash. A few minutes later a loud commotion could be heard further into the hospital grounds. The security guard immediately started to flood it from the outside.

Joey started his timer and burst with speed into the hospital. The hospital was large, almost like a skyscraper. But, it was exactly like it was on Mila's rendering on her phone. He looked up and down and it didn't take long for him to find the office window. It was somewhere at the side away from the commotion that Mila was causing.

He skidded to a stop and stared at the window. Barely a minute had gone by and he was able to find it. Before his awakening, his body would tell him that he couldn't do it, and his body was right. Now looking at the distance even though it was far it felt doable.

He did a few warm-up jumps and with two large strides that imprinted on the ground, he jumped straight into the air toward the office window. He flew with great speed and precision, but unfortunately, he didn't plan out a landing strategy.

He couldn't alter anything mid-flight and could only crash land into the office. He rolled almost a dozen times to kill momentum before he could finally stop. He looked around the room trying to find his lab. But it was almost empty, there were only a few books that were on a shelf.

He tried to find a key of sorts but there was nothing to be found in the room. "If I was in a lab where would I be.." he asked himself. He looked at the bookshelf with an idea but he wasn't very optimistic.

He went over and turned each of them in different ways hoping to trigger some kind of key that would reveal his lab. He did it as fast as he could but it still wasted a lot of time. "Where the hell does this bastard hide his lab. Is it even in his office?" Joey started secretly panicking.

He started to hear the fighting get fainter as if it was about to end, but in fact, it was quite the opposite. It was getting more intense as more people began to flock toward the scene. In his panic state.

He thought back that there weren't any windows directly below the office. He felt it was viable that the lab was below him. But he had no way of finding the entrance.

He started sweating profusely then finally a loud 'pssssssshhhhh' could be heard like something losing steam. He looked back quickly not out of fright but because of his alert state, a portion of the floor started elevating.

"Pure body…. bones… it really a sickness… they have this?…Is it sentience?-``Stephenson's words were caught in his throat when he looked up and say someone with a dragon mash on.

"B-bastard! What are you doing here, guards come in!" Stephenson shouted but no one came, he was already quivering out of fright."Tell me who are you!"

"That's no of your concern, you just need to die," Joey said as his eyes filled with anger and his hands trembled with eagerness.

Stephenson stared at him for a little while before he laughed "Hahaha, you're just a kid!