Fighting Mila

Mila's was taunting Joey and her voice became louder as she walked closer to the tree he was hiding behind. Joey had no time to think of a plan of action.

As she got closer, he slashed at her with his spear when she came close enough. Mila was not surprised at the attack she was quite calm. She started parrying his strikes with her armour and kept using enough strength and speed that made Joey struggle.

"Hah!" Joey was shouting like mad thrusting his spear faster toward Mila. She moved like a ghost dodged his attacks and then kicked him away while using her spear strike as a feint.

"What, didn't think I would use my legs?" she asked then she rushed to Joey who looked shocked. At this point she was just playing with Joey, she dodged his strikes and kicked him. She never even used her spear anymore, just pure timing, accuracy and leg kicks.

This continued into the night. "Stop closing your eyes! watch my attacks and time your dodge, then strike" Mila shouted as she kicked him again. "Predict where I will strike use your spear" She kicked him again through some more trees". "You have to be fierce, ruthless you haven't even tried to block my kicks, are you gonna get beat up forever?" She kicked him again but this time with a little more power. Joey flew through even more trees this time.

Joey had gotten used to being kicked away by Mila and got up. She was marching over to him with a thick green aura glowing from her armour. She raised her leg to kick him again. This time Joey was able to meet her kick with his spear, a loud "clang" bellowed out into the empty forest.

Mila stood in her position of being blocked then smiled. "You finally managed to do it after 8 hours. Not bad." Joey was tired, he could only fall back on the ground. Mila picker him up and carried the exhausted Joey on her back.

While carrying Joey on her back Mila spoke "Today was just the beginning. The First Quarter of the Martial Arts Book could be said to be the easiest. I thought we would be able to go through all the quarters but not everyone's like me. If you use the moves like you did today, you can put a hoe through Stephenson's head easily."

She took on a serious tone then said "But never take an opponent for granted. Even a rabbit in a corner will bite. You go in and finish him off tomorrow." Joey replied with a "hmph" as he was bruised all over, even in his mouth was bruised.

He fell asleep sometime along the way back to the warehouse. Mila laid him to rest on a bed, she then lifted his shirt exposing his stomach. She placed her hand on his stomach where she started to probe inside his body.

"I realized when I was forcing his awakening, but his body is too weird. He has some kind of potent poison in his stomach but it isn't harming him. It's almost like it's too lazy to do anything. Not to mention his skeleton is slightly altered, Isn't it too early?" She didn't know what to do anymore. Normally she would have tried removing the poison inside his body, but it wasn't causing him any harm so she reluctantly left it alone.

"No point in worrying about it now" Mila left it alone and went to sleep.




In the morning Joey woke up. Mila was sitting at a table with 2 bowls of Ramen in cups, he was groggy and hungry, he stretched then waddled over to the bowl of food.

After they finished they started to go over the plan "I'm going to start a commotion at the Main Entrance of the hospital. Everyone will flock toward me, Hopefully, Stephenson will be able to as well. During that time, you should be able to find his lab, get your sister and leave. I won't be able to last long, I'm not god. If they pass me and get to you it's all over".

Joey nodded with a serious expression "Thank you, I never trusted you before and I thought you were always plotting against me. I was wrong for doubting you."

"It's ok. You've been through a lot more things than any 15 years old should go through. After we save your sister we will be able to live properly. I know you weren't genuine when you said you wanted to be a family. You just did what was best at the moment. You can't build a strong relationship on a whim, I'm just glad we can try and build one" Mila's smile made Joey's heart melt. He was always on high alert around her, but now she seemed genuine and someone couldn't make up a childhood story like that on a whim.

"Now let's get a move on we to have to hurry there. It's better to be there at 12:00 when they are on break. and people become lax" Mila said as she continued getting ready.

Joey agreed then prepped himself. His bruises were all gone and his body felt better from yesterdays training. He could only guess t was because of his awakening. His body recovered overnight.

Joey practised Martial Arts with Mila until it was time. Mila never took it too hard on him. They went over the plan one last time and when it was 11:00 they left the warehouse and made their way to the hospital.

"What's the name of your superpower?" Joey asked. They were in the back of the taxi and it was soundproof. She scrunched her eyes and started thinking hard then lifted her lips"I don't know, I guess I could call it Ghost Haunting Poltergeist Ultimate Power" she then said, "I don't know if it has a real name though, Its apparently rare."

Joey's face went back when he heard the name, he couldn't help but cringe how bad Mila was at naming things.