Fat girl

Joey heard a weird moan, followed by this was a scared yelp and a fist hammered into his face. The fist broke his nose and it started bleeding. "Bastard, what were you trying to do!" In front of Joey was a chubby girl, she covered her breasts and her face was blushed red.

She was short, she had purplish-black hair, her chin had slight rolls as well as her stomach. "Ow, You psycho! You wouldn't move and who the hell falls from the sky."

'Does it matter? Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care to leave, I need to finish training, No disrespect, consider fewer doughnuts. Next time you fall on somebody you might kill them." The girl was even more furious and she threw out a punch, the punch made it seem like it distorted the space around it slightly. The punch blew a crater into the sand and chipped a large piece off Joey's training rock.

"You sick bastard! We are dead, Why! She will kill both of us! You're dead! She's gonna blown me up, I'm too young dammit"

"No one can kill me, If I die the world will be miserable"

"Whaaaaat??! Stop talking shit! I can kill you! She will kill us both and she will overcook us with salt!" Joey scrambled around the rock looking at the broken pieces in distress. He was genuinely fretting thinking of what Mila would do if she came back and saw he didn't awaken.

He cried into the ground while the fat girl still looked confused but still, she was not afraid. "Hmph, Serves you right" the fat girl added salt to injury, she was about to turn around but in that second Joey jumped her and punched her in the back of his head. His fingers were tingling for a while "You think because your body's a little strong you're that arrogant? Fix the rock! Now!"

"Bastard, Since when did I Ueno Deoxys have to listen to the words nobody says?" the fat girl was furious, she got up and ran toward Joey. Their pouches met and they were equalled in strength. , "Hmph, this isn't even my full power", he cocked back her hand and let rip a punch that bent the space behind it, it carried a scary power that forced Joey to dodge.

The punch made a crater in the sand, but this time it was different. It looked like it was perfectly blown up somehow. "Fool, you think you can run after attacking?". She started charging toward Joey when she suddenly fell to her knees and started blowing hard.

Joey, who was on high alert, couldn't help but think "Is this some type of trick again?" he stood and wondered if he should let her die, he stood watching until she fell on the ground gasping. Joey decided to help her because she seemed to be suffocating.

He laid on her back and started doing chest compressions. Joey did this but she wasn't getting any better, she was still not breathing, Joey started to get worried and started to do mouth to mouth. He hesitated at first but he decided it was the best thing to do.

He placed his mouth overheard and he realized that he never knew how to do it. "Should I use my tongue to move hers? Will it make the air start to flow?" Joey tried to make logic of what he knew.

She was not breathing, so wouldn't move her tongue with yours from mouth to mouth make sense?

Jacob held her head and blew into it, he did 3 sets of compression, after which she wasn't waking up, no matter how hard he tried. While he was doing this he opened his eyes to see her looking at him.

Her face lit up like a thermometer, she was kissing Joey. "You're dead! I will kill you" she sat up and started spitting everything out of her mouth and she wiped furiously. Joey straddled back on stuttering trying to explain himself.

She flew into a fit of rag but before her tantrum went on any longer, she fell down on one knee."You passed out, I don't know what happened to you and I did CPR" After he said this, the fat girl sat down with her legs crossed.

She stayed like this for almost an hour, Joey never had enough time. He was trying to figure out a suitable workout for his awakening. He still had to finish the lap around the island and he felt no signs of awakening so far.

Not long after, the fat girl opened her eyes, "what are you doing?". She looked at Joey doing squats while holding a large piece of rock. "Just leave, you did more harm than good, you can't even run without having an asphyxiation" Joey spat.

"It's not!-, I'm not even fat, I'm just chubby" She sounded angry, but she was calmer. "Whatever chubs, Just leave, you're making my life harder" Joey ordered.

"What after you just tongued me? You purposely did that!" Her face was red as she threw blame, Soon after joey had enough "You are the one that fell on me, try to beat my ass, mess up the beach, and If iI don't finish what I'm doing, Mila will kill me"

The shouting made the fat girl stop to think, she really was the on causing all this trouble. She really was the cause of all this problem, after minutes of denial she apologized "I'm sorry, II just never been kissed before and your tongue you used it" she stuttered. "I pictured my first kiss like this either," Joey said. You need to leave, you not helping and making my life harder.

"I will help you, I-if you want"

"You want me to help me? Start by fixing all this" she said while pointing at the broken piece of rock on the beach. The girl's face went black, "I can't help with that, but I can help you with your awakening". Jacob stopped what he was doing and turned around with a look of interest.