2nd Awakening

"My name is Ueno Deoxys".

"My name is Joey, So how can you help me?" Joey asked. "Easy, I have a book that shows you how to do it, you don't have to go through it the hard way," she replied, she took out a book and held it toward him.

"A book? How will that help me, this is not Martial Arts" Joey was annoyed, he thought he had been tricked. "No, it's called a Vestra text. You just need to understand the words in the book, and it will allow you to awaken. When you understand the text fully, it will make you understand the secret within awakening."

"So what, I just read it like a book?" Joey asked with ridicule. "You need to read with understanding, Stop being so closed-minded, things like these are worth more than this planet," Ueno said coldly.

"How can you get something like this, Who are you really". Ueno's face froze but then said "I am Ueno Deoxys, My family is a part of the 1st Families that protect the earth." She proudly said. "Hmph, they don't do a good job" Joey muttered under his breath but he wasn't surprised. He had grown to stop trying to be nice to others who were arrogant.

"What did you say? My family fights every day on 9 Sk-" Ueno caught herself in her sentence and gritted her teeth. "Just, let me show you how to use the Vestra text".

This was not missed by Joey, he heard what she had said but he felt like he already knew what she was going to say, but he felt her alone. If there really is such a thing as the earth being at war on 9 skies without people knowing. It would be natural for her family to tell her.

Joey gave her the text and she showed him how it was done. After she finished she said "Don't tell anyone about this, I'm only giving you because you helped me. Besides this is top secret"

"Thank you, I appreciate it" Joey was eager to see if it would work. "Hurry, I need to be back before night" Ueno hurried him.

"Tell me something first, I have been secluded for a long time training for a tournament. What's happening on the outside" Joey lied, he wanted to know what happened after the fight. "Ueno thought it made sense the explained "Nothing much, It's good that you're training hard, I'm guessing your training for the Sky academy. But the tournament has been postponed by 2 months. There was this big scene at the hospital and someone important got injured.

There are still search parties around this area, actually, a lieutenant so not too far from here. I was half practising, half looking for anything suspicious.

Joey froze up when he heard all this.

Was Mila going to be alright?

Did she run into this lieutenant? She barely beat Sajin so it wasn't easy beating one. "The waves have been calm for a while. Maybe they haven't encountered each other."

"Don't worry, I won't report you. I know how hard it is to live in a city. Bulwark is no different". Joey felt slightly better but Mila was always on his mind.

"Thank you" Joey sat and stared at the texts in the book.

"Limits separate the weak from the strong, Limits makes none weak but makes the strong stronger. Awakening lies dormant. They may make you weak, but it is not to blame. It is the man with a weak will who will be guarded by limits and fated to be weak, you must be the limit you want to break"

Joey understood the words but nothing was happening. He looked at the text but nothing was happening. He closed his eyes and tried to figure out some hidden meaning, but he never felt anything.

"Puchi!" Ueno started chuckling.

"Shut up chubs, you're moving more than the ocean" Joey was annoyed.

"Hateful! I was going to help you but I don't care anymore, I'm leaving in 6 hours. I don't care if you wake up or not" Ueno shouted in anger. "I'm sorry chubs, I thought you were mocking me. I just wanted you to stop before you started"


"I'm very sorry…... o great Ueno" Joey was being sarcastic but Ueno felt better. "That's more like it". She paused then explained "It's not simple enough to read it and understand. You need to meditate, you need a deep understanding. You have to put yourself in Vestra text almost.

Act like it's trying to speak to you almost. Think of it as a message. After you meditate and gain a deeper understanding of the Vestra text, your body will be awakened. It might seem hard to believe but the mind is very powerful" Ueno explained.

Joey thought it made sense, but it was hard to believe but he needed to make sure he did it.

Joey closed his eyes and repeated the Vestra text in his head. "I have to be the limit that I want to break. It makes me weak, but it will make me stronger. I have to be weak to be strong, I have to be weak to break the limits of the strong, I will break the limit that I have sent on myself, I will awaken"

Joey mediated these words and repeated them, after several minutes he erupted in formless energy. It was opaque and it rushed around his body, he focused hard but the feeling was slowly going away, he was about to fail.

"Repeat it, Just like you said, Be the limit you want to break! " Ueno shouted, she was surprised that he had been able to understand the text this much in one day. She just wanted him to get a boost in his training. But he was going the whole mile.

Joey heard Ueno's advice and started to repeat the words he said, this way he understood the text more and more. Then large colourless energy baptised his body and flew around him, this happened for several minutes until it died down.