Hidden Genius

Joey continued to mediate after he achieved his second awakening. He made calmed the energy within his body. Several minutes later he finally opened his eyes.

He stood up and threw out a palm, then he looked disappointed. "Damn, I still haven't unlocked my superpower" Joey cursed. He was really hoping it was going to be his second awakening. "Well at least I'm sure I will get it at my next awakening, but that might take months from now"

Ueno was so shocked, you could fit an egg in her mouth. "What? is something on my face?" Joey asked.

"Who are you? Who is your teacher?" Ueno thought he must be someone influential. But the name Wells never rang a bell. "I can't tell you that, I can say that I am Joey though."

Ueno fell into thought.

Did I come across some kind of hidden genius? I guess father was right, You can find geniuses in the most unlikely places.

"When exactly is the tournament taking place?" Joey broke the silence. "August 12, Sky Academy will start the following week because of some delay. It's apparently someone of the Janores got seriously injured and their family requested time".

"After I win the tournament, I will complete my years in Sky academy. Afterwards, I will be a sky warrior like Mila, after that most of my problems will be gone" Joey felt excited at the thought.

"Well thank you, I will remember your kindness chubs, see you at the tournament," Joey said in his final remarks.

"Wait, can we spar?"

Joey looked at her like a fool "Chubs, If this is your way of hitting on me it won't work, I have to train. We live different lives."

"What...I was...forget it!" Ueno shouted, she floated away with her face resembling a tomato. Joey didn't pay her any mind. He needed to get back to training, he no longer had the Vestra text physically so he would have to try and remember it.

Vestra texts were more efficient when you were able to see them physically. Until you fully understand the text, you should continue to study them. Joey didn't fancy his chances with Mila giving him one. "If chubs are who she says she is, that means that book must be worth a lot, I wonder how many kids there are."

Joey made his way back to where Rayla was playing, she was still playing in the water. Joey snuck behind her and slapped the water with all its might and gave her a big splash.

"Brother, are you trying to kill me?" She coughed up some water through her nose.

"C'mon you're not afraid of a little water are you?". Rayla's little 10-year-old brain fell for his taunts and she tried to fight back.

She made Joey feel strong with her little splashes, while his splashes carried a lot more water. But she was having fun so he decided to not try and make it even.

They played around and she swam deeper into the water with Joey. He didn't know how to swim but he figured it out in his own way. They looked beyond the reef and Rayla was excited enough sitting on his back. But she also got to watch him hunt.

It wasn't hard for him to hunt. He was a lot stronger and faster than most fish he found. After he got enough for everyone's fill he made his way back to shore. It was now sunset and Rayla was yawning. "You've been in the water so long you must be tired, look how gross your fingers look."

Rayla didn't care about her fingers so she asked "What about yours Joey?"." Mine? I guess I'm just too strong" Joey's fingers had no wrinkle, they looked normal. He thought it should have something to do with his body not being normal anymore, his body has gone through a noticeable change.

"Brother you're too shameless, Mila is stronger" After Raya said this she fell asleep. Joey was a little nervous about Mila so he decided to wait. The sun was starting to set and he had seen no more signs of Mila. Rayla was sleeping on a bed of leaves.

He trained for a while and ended up going on for hours until it became night, but his spirits were not deterred. He ended up cooking some of the fish for himself and snacked on them. He valiantly trained through the night until the break of dawn appoached and he had still seen no sign of Mila.

"Where is she, did something happen?" Joey was too nervous to keep training. He started waiting anxiously beside Rayla. After a few more hours of fighting sleep, he dozed off. Hours ticked like seconds while he was asleep.

A loud object could be landing on the sand. Joey instinctively woke up and held his spear in defence. He was still sluggish but after a while, he saw that it was Mila.

"Finally! I was worried about you. Where have you been since yesterday" Joey's mood was raised and his worries fade away?

"Why are you still out here? Are you insane? ". He never expected this reply from Mila, his expression fell "What do you mean I was worried… So I thought I was supposed to wait on you, I even caught fish for dinner"

"That's nice, but where is your sister? Did you leave her up at the house alone?". "No, I made her a bed out of leaves and other things I could find on the beach".

"What kid? Are you an Idiot?" Mila shoved him out of the way and made her way over to Rayla. Joey was shocked by how she sounded, she had never talked to him like that before. This was different from when she shouted at him while fighting or training.

Now she seemed angry.