Energy Blade

"C'mon Joey it's not hard, we have been at this for days. If you can't do this, how do you plan to win the Sky Academy tournament".

Joey has been doing the same movement Mila had been showing him but he would only fail miserably. Every time he failed he would get a knock on the head that Mila seemed to Enjoy.

"Kid it's simple, stop making it so hard for yourself", Mila scolded him.

Joey never said anything, because he knew he would get a knock on the head if he answered. He simply tried again and failed once more.

Mila frowned but explained, "One complete movement, one strike, forcing the spear is not how you do it. It's almost like a lazy punch". She had a serious tone she was on her last straw. Although Mila rushed him and made it seem like he was doing poorly. It is actually something outside of his realm of strength.

It was a move that only someone at Rank 1 could learn, Even if he couldn't learn it, it would still benefit him. The one strike potential was great.

Joey on the other hand wasn't doing well at all. The psychology that Mila used on him made him feel like he was trash. She made it seem simple. Like it was something that everyone could do, even though she was making it seem this way she wasn't entirely wrong.

It was normal to generate that much power that simply.

Mila could tell he was struggling, "Sigh. How about this. Why don't we try something else". It was too much for him like this, she wanted to try a different approach.

"Please, I will try anything," He said with a somewhat sad tone.

"Don't sound so sad. You can redeem yourself. You remember what I was explaining to you about the energy blade?"Joey nodded then she continued "You can try and create an energy blade. If you can do that you should be able to see some success with this."

The proposition made Joey glad. He felt that he had a chance to redeem himself. So how do I perform the Energy Blade".

Mila stared at him and Joey thought he did something wrong, "I can't show you what's in my body kid, All you have to do is fool around till you do it. I can't help in the least. It would help if you try to think along the lines of what your superpower will be. If I explained it, It would sound foolish. It's something you can't describe. Imagine describing the colour red to a blind person."

Joey couldn't, "I won't disappoint you, I will figure it out today"."Good, I will be inside watching you, You're not allowed inside until you do. Meditating would help, but moving around can work as well. It's all about what will work for you." Mila then walked inside.

Joey was in front of the tree trying to figure out how this could work. He first sat in a meditative position and placed his spear in his lap. He struggled to control the energy in his body. It was normally apparent after he awakened.

His energy was not being controlled then, so it moved however it wanted.

"How did my energy react when it left my body?" Jacob tried to think about the easy his energy acted outside of his body. While at the same time trying to summon it."

"Slowly, energy rose over his whole body. It flickered unstably, Joey was having a hard time keeping it like this. It felt like trying to run a mile without breathing. The energy was very unstable as he moved it to the spear.

Energy moved from his body onto the spear. Soon after it was all covered in energy. He wanted to call out Mila's name to come and look at it but he had to hold his breath"

"Pah". Jacob stopped, he was breathing heavily but h was upset that Mila was not there to see it. "Dammit".

"It makes no sense cursing yourself, I doubt anyone will give you the opportunity to do that, much less you wouldn't be able to hurt anyone while you're sitting on your ass. You look ugly when you don't breathe too" Jacob didn't know when Mila came out but she was watching him while propped up on a rock.

"Would it kill you to have a filter?"

Mila shrugged and went back into the house.

"Jeez, I can do this without her, I don't need her"

"You do!"

"Tch, watch me" Jacob sat and controlled his breathing. "Just calm down and make it flow." The energy in his body felt like cement. He was not used to controlling it, so it was strenuous. Jacob did it again. After 30 minutes of embarrassing struggle noises, he gave up.

"I swore I heard you fart at least three times. Yahahaha" Mila was behind him dying with laughter.

Joey's face turned red, he was upset and embarrassed at the same time. "Hey, Can you leave you're making this harder than it already is, If you want to distract me, leave?"

"Move me then, I want to see you try"

Joey's face was even redder, he couldn't move her if she tried. "Please, let me concentrate"."Fine, the sun is setting anyway. Don't think about coming inside If you are not finished. Forget dinner too, I know you tell me my cooking is good to make me bring you food. You won't eat till you finish this."

"Wait what? I can't say it tastes good?!" Jacob shouted, but by the time he turned around she was gone. "Dammit, this is all just fucked"

"Curse again and I'll starve you" Mila shouted from the house.

"Tch" Jacob ignored her and went back to his training. Making his attack power by turning his spear into an energy blade was hard. Tried as he might, he culd not get it down and he doubted that he would be able to get it before dinner.