Final Stage of Training

"I did it!" It was the break of day and Joey was finally able to do it. He was standing as he shook uncontrollably, he held his spear toward the air. It was covered in opaque energy. " Mila, I'm doing it!", again didn't hear anyone come his way.

He didn't know how long he would be able to hold it. It was already hard for him to breathe, if I shouted again he would lose his concentration.

Joey wasn't able to hold it for much longer. He was tired. In an attempt to have proof of his success, he turned his spear toward his tree. He thrust toward the tree breaking a huge hole in the middle. It inside was blown out with the strike and it carried a huge amount of destructive power.

"Phew, It only took 3 days" Jacob fell back on the rock and soon asleep.

A few hours later he was woken up from his sleep from water falling on his face. "W-w-what the hell? Cough"." It only took 3 days, I'm proud of you. Here fill your stomach, I have one last thing I need to do before your ready for the Sky Academy tournament"

Jacob was relieved, but he knew better than to feel good from Mila's words. "I still haven't completed everything you told me to. I still haven't done the movement techniques that you gave me"

Mila nodded her head, then took a sip of her tea "You're right, but we only have so much time to prepare. It's a good thing we got an extension" she paused them said "The next and final the stage of your training will be simple. You can think of it as a game of tag.

You will go deep into the island here. I will try to find you. You will have a weak headstart and You can set up any traps you think will help you catch me. If you touch my body once, you win, simple.

I will wait 1 week before I come hunting you. You should do everything you can to cover your tracks from me. The aim of this is to get you to sharpen your senses and pick your battles. Just because someone is strong doesn't mean you can't beat them.

Fear can make you weak and make you feel hopeless, but it can also save your life. You shouldn't let it control you, just acknowledge it."

"Wait but if you really want to capture me you will"

"Will you say that about someone that's after your life? Tell them it's unfair. People overestimate themselves, everyone does. It's your job to level the playing field. Joey, you need to find a way to beat me."

"Mila I really can-" Joey was cut off.

"You will have no choice. You leave tonight. I packed everything you might need. You can take extra If you want"

Jacob wanted to say something, but he knew he was not getting out of this one.

Mila took his silence for an agreement "Good, your gonna take the Martial Books with you and learn them while you're travelling." She explained more of what the training would consist of and what he should focus on, "Do you understand"

"Yes, I think I do". " Good, you can relax or think about your game plan. If you can go one month without being caught you win as well"

"You can do whatever you want for the time being" after Mila said this she got up and left.

She left Joey to his own thoughts. "How can I fight Mila, If she is serious about not letting me touch her then she will be able to easily beat me. Knowing her she probably will take this very seriously."

There were a lot of decisions to make for Joey and not enough time, "I just need to load off".

Joey went to a nearby river, it was clean and ran straight from the mountain. The only things that would be in this water were the freshwater fish. As he stepped down into the river, the cool water felt like a blessing on his skin. It was cool and got rid of his fatigue. "Ahh, this is the life".

He relaxed a little more before he was able to think a little more "I have the option to either run for a month or fight her. If I touch her once then I win." Joey laid it out for himself, but it wasn't so easy.

"Running would be the better option. Mila has strong senses so she would be able to sense me 1 Mile around her. Maybe underground is a better way, It would e harder for her to come after me if I was deep underground, albeit it would be enough"

Joey thought long and hard about his game plan.

"Brother!" While he was relaxing he heard a familiar childish voice call out to him. When he looked he was surprised "Rayla, what are you doing here."

Rayla looked happy "Mila said I'm well enough to swim with you". "Fine, but I'm not swimming, I'm just relaxing" Joey replied. Mila looked at him with a cold glare and Jacob took back his words. "We can go for a swim, Come here ya little rascal". She jumped off to him.

"Aren't you going to swim Mila?"

"No, I have something important to do, Make sure you watcher her properly, or else", Jacob could hear the threatening tone in her face and nod. It was weird for Mila not to be jumping in the pool with them so he found it slightly weird.

"When is she not weird" Joey shrugged it off

"Brother Swim!" Rayla was on his back. Joey did as she said and she rode on his back everywhere he swam. They did this for some hours until Rayla was finally tired enough that she wanted to sleep.

"Looks like you two had fun, I'll take her from you" then she said, "Remember you have somewhere you need to be later tonight". Joey understood what she meant and nodded.