
Joey started climbing on all fours. He moved fast like he was running on the ground. He stopped climbing when he felt his arms hurting.

He struggled to prop himself over a ledge that extended enough for him to climb over. Feeling relieved he sprawled out onto the ledge, then soon he heard a weird howling sound.

He heard it was close and looked up and was shocked by what he saw. It was the opening of a large cave that made a noise when the breeze blew through the caves giving it a whistle.

It was dark and provided a sort of shelter that Jacob needed. Away from danger and provided suitable protection.

Seeing this, Joey quickly drew his spear and looked into the cave. It continued to wooshing with the gale-like winds.

Joey went into the cave on high alert. Ready to kill anything that could be laying in this cave. He explored a little of the cave and quickly discovered that it had many caves leading in different directions.

They lead down many different paths but Joey wasn't able to check them all, he was tired and hadn't slept in 28 hours.

Joey being tired knew that being tired would cloud his better judgement, so he ignored his body and walked down a random tunnel. It was deep, he quickly learned that this was a dead end.

It looked perfect to Joey, he was able to hide away in this cave safely to sleep. He packed his large bags in front of him and held his spear in his hands. Joey dosed off vigilantly until ultimately he slept.

Unfortunately, he was woken up shortly after when he heard loud distant thuds from where he was. He reflexively clutched his spear and looked up, still, he saw nothing.

As much as he wanted to fall asleep he knew more than to take this lightly. Alert of his surroundings and slightly annoyed Joey leapt from his position and followed the sound.

After reaching the cave entrance. He down the sheer cliff and he saw nothing, the footsteps he had heard before were now all gone. All that was left were some ominous claw marks in the cliff face.

"Is there something following me?" Joey wondered, he felt uneasy when he saw these claw marks. It meant that something wanted to get to him but Joey couldn't see what it was.

Without thinking, Joey turned back. He ran toward his bags and lifted them onto his back. He ran through the cave quickly to leave with his belongings.

He arrives at the entrance but before he could look down he was attacked.


Joey only heard a roar before he was quickly pinned to the floor.

The sounds were familiar to Joey, he knew what was attacking him. He opened his eyes to see it was the same Jaguar from the night before.

Joey skillfully turned his spear into its torso.

The Jaguar never reacted, it only a bit down on Joey's arm ferociously. Jacob stabbed the jaguar again still, it was not letting go. It mauled Joeys until they began to freefall off the cliff edge.

The two tussled in the air as they fell to their doom. The jaguar never seemed to care it was falling, but became more aggressive toward Joey. It ran to his back and began to tug on it furiously.

It ripped out all the contents until it began to scratch his bag. The ground was fast approaching. Joey acted quickly, he spun his body around in the air and clotheslined the Jaguar slamming it to the ground faster than he would fall.

It dropped like a meteor and Joey grabbed onto the cliff and dug his nails in to finish his descent.

He jumped to the ground, where he inspected to Jaguar to see if it was dead. It was struggling to breathe, so Joey cut its neck and watched it shudder as it died.

He felt a waved of relief come over him knowing he was rid of most of his problems. Still, he found it odd that an animal like this would chase him so frivolously.

Jaguars were normally hunted on the ground, they also had a nocturnal lifestyle, so a lot of it never made any sense to Joey.

Joey ultimately decided it wasn't worth the trouble. He needed to find somewhere to rest before taking on the rest of the day. Most of his stuff had been scattered all on the ground during the fall.

His bag was torn badly meaning he would have to leave some of the things he carried with him.

"I need my toothbrush, maybe I can let go of some of Mila food... I can hunt on my own. The sleeping bag is a necessity, there is no way I can leave that here. I should bring the pots as well for cooking my food and boiling water." Joey talked to himself trying to make the best decision for himself.

He walked all over the ground. Collecting anything that he would need, he made sure to pack necessities like water and took it as a chance to lessen the load.

He continued to pick them up when he realized something. He lifted a bag of pots when he realized it was heavy. It was too heavy, Jacob would believe it was potted if he hadn't looked inside of it.

However, he never knew about pots and such so he figured it was normal.

Things began to figure themselves out as Joey sorted out what he planned to leave. It was there he discovered something peculiar. It was like a small phone or some kind of mini device.

The device ever stood out to him. Still, he wondered why Mila would leave this with him. He fondled the device for some time, he was never used to this kind of technology or any as a matter of fact.

He troubled the volume buttons on the side, turning it all the way down. Joey face turned to shock when the volume was dialled down.