Planted Device

The sound from the device resembled that of a jaguar but it was different. It was softer, soon Joey realized that it was the cooing of a baby Jaguar that was 300 hours long.

He felt a sinister feeling in his heat.

Did Mila do this?

Was this her plan all along?

Joey suddenly understood everything. Mila did not pack his bags for his well being, it was all designed to slow him down immensely. The weight from the luggage even let the footprint that led Mila straight toward him.

She could easily sense wherever Joey was going, he was practically leaving a trail toward his location.

"She planned all this? The food everything, she planted that so the Jaguar would come after me" Joey was stunned. He didn't know how to feel, there was no way for him to win.

She most likely had his general location all she had to do was search around for a while before she found him and he couldn't run for safety so late.

The distance he could make in a week was what she could cover in a day.

Joey knew how strong Mila truly was there was no other way about it. Since the likeliness of this being a coincidence was too low, he knew it was Mila.

Then something else entered his thoughts.

What if this is a test?

Maybe she wants to know if I will give up.

"There must be some other way for me to continue, I can't just give up" Joey declared, with quick thinking, he packed everything off his person. He threw them all in a heap and burned them.

Joey realized this largely depended on wits, so he was determined to give it his all.

With only the clothes on his back and his sear. He leapt back onto the cliff ad climbed his way up, this time he never stopped at the ledge of the cave entrance. He climbed to the top.

When he arrived, he looked at the landscape and could see many different areas. Swampy, plains and forests with pagoda-like hoodoos. Joey looked trying to discern where was the best place he could go.

He ran down the other side of the cliff and descended his way down to the forested areas. However, a crazy beast lunged out toward Joey before he could finish his journey.

Joey narrowly dodged the threat that appeared from the ground.

"Mountain bear?" Joey wondered. It was a bear with large claws that ripped through stone like mud, It was covered in brown fur and looked quite displeased that it failed to catch Jacob.

Joey never had any time to kill it, he instead ran around and used the steep elevation to make him descend faster.

Still, the bear wasn't letting his getaway. It ran back underground and popped up below Joey, this time leaving a small wound on his leg.

"This little bag of shit, I can kill him I want to what is his problem" Joey cursed, the bear was being persistent and he never wanted to waste any more time.

His main focus now was trying to get as much distance away from him and Mila quickly. A colourless aura arose from Jacob and his strength rose as well.

He took off like a sprinter, leaving with perfect for barely putting a lot of weight on the ground He was moving with the wind, Quincy and elegantly. Within seconds Joey made it to the ground, he never waited anymore and continued to the forested area from before.

He ran at top speed leaving behind a strong tailwind.

He was able to keep this speed until he reached his area. Though he was supposed at his strength, It felt weird being able to use that kind of power, Joey had never used his full potential when awakened so it was an experience to use it now.

After getting over his initial surprise Joey looked into the tall trees and could see monkeys swinging from the branches.

"If I follow them, they should take me to food, water and shelter" If I travel by trees Mila won't be able to track my direction, it will be like I vanished below the cliff."

Joey jumped into the trees and jumped from each tree to keep up with the monkeys. He mostly used the momentum to stay on the trees for extra seconds before kicking off again.

It was something new that he was doing, but he quickly got the hang of it. As he jumped through the forest with the monkeys for hours he came onto a feeding ground that was littered with all kinds of fruits.

Some of them were even rotting because of the sheer abundance. They were large and had reddish-yellow skin. Joey watched as they peeled the skin off the fruit revealing orange beautiful flesh that they happily ate upon.

Joey was excited, the aromatic smells made his mouth water. He did as the monkey picked one of the same colour and peeled it back with his teeth.

As he bit into the succulent flesh Joey mouth squirted with saliva. He never tasted anything that sweet in his life. He scarfed it down to the seed, but even then he still chewed on it for a little while longer.

After that, he took another one and carried out the same process.

"I have to tell Mila about these delicacies after I finish these, she could make some great snacks with these", Jacob fell in love with the fruits. He went through quite a number of them before the monkey started to reallocate.

Joey never understood why they would leave such a great spot, but he wasn't greedy and caught up with them.

The barrel of monkeys made rounds to a clean water stream in which they drank water and hunker down on some large trees Joey realized that some of them already and their beds, so he was forced to make his own.

The barrel of monkeys travelled a large distance in a daytime, with their superior mode of transportation. Joey easily made it many miles away from home.