Fight starts

It was obvious that many people there were interested In the tournament, while some kept a poker face looking on the stage, others were excited and buzzing with excitement.

From his seat, Jacob could see many strong figures watching from the stands. They were not excited and rather stoic.

They were members of the Sky military in their Uniforms. One could tell by the entourage around them.

Jacob reckoned that there were people watching from afar as well.

"Alright ladies and Gentlemen time to start!" a vibrant voice spoke, it was a woman on top of a platform. "My name is Gemma and I will be your host for today!"

The crowd never failed to show excitement while the bigger figures remained indifferent.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Now we welcome the first thousand contestants of the Battle Royal"

After getting the crowd more excited she finally introduced the contestants.

The students marched out from behind the bleacher and onto the battleground. The ground was made of yellow stone with intricate engravings. It was large enough for every student to stand with 7 meters of free space.

As they walked out people continued to chair. But Jacob noticed something, people weren't spreading out like normal.

They were grouping up with each other.

EIsha noticed his gaze then elbowed him.

"People will team up against others to greater their chances. It looked down upon by some but not all. Anything goes in a Battle Royal"

Joey nodded as he understood. Most people had a duo or trio, while some formed groups to fight off 4-5. Not too much to avoid confusion.

He looked even further and noticed that the descendant of the first family was by themselves. This caused them to be surrounded by groups or other candidates.

Everyone saw however, it was almost like they never cared.

"There will be a maximum of 20 students who get to pass through the knockout rounds. Remember to impress and you have a chance of being recruited." Gemma's explained in a loud voice.

"Now Let the Sky Academy Tournament Begin!" Gemma shouted as she threw her hands in the air.

The second after this was a gruesome one. Weapons were raised and plunged into the other contestants. It was like a battlefield of some ancient war.

Candidates face were filled with disbelief after they were betrayed by their teammates. Within the first minute, the ground had dyed bloody red.

Weapons were swung wantonly killing gravely injuring people. War cries filled the stadium mixed with the excited screams of the spectators.

The stretch of seats for the other contestants was silent. They looked on in horror knowing they would be fighting like that soon and could be gravely injured just the same.

Some seemed to expect this, it might not have been their first time.

Eisha besides Jacob looked sick. "It's worse than in the videos"


Eisha nodded as she explained, "My family bought videos from the Sky Military for me to watch. It was the 10 Sky Academy tournaments before this, and they all played out the same. The worst part hasn't even come yet..."

Jacob looked back at the battlefield.

"This isn't the worst part? Then what could be?"

So far in the tournament, there had been not many uses of superpowers. It was puzzling since it was a part of the criteria to impress.

After reaching further in the tournament. More important people started to be pulled out.

From the crowd in a blur, they would be picked up and carried to the stage side where they would be healed and automatically disqualified. They could only hope they had done enough.

"Do you really want to fight me?" Claymus snarled at the people who were surrounding him.

Eyes shifter toward him as it was the first time he had mode since it had started.

A person surrounding him gritted their teeth in anger.

"Y-you think because your from the 1st family means you can come here and smurf? I will show you!"

He grabbed his hammer and charged toward Claymus Zeus.

As the man charged the other rushed behind him sporting angry expressions and ruthless motives.


Zues snorted.

The leader reached first swinging downward with his hammer. Zeus' face was cold, he outstretched his hand and allowed the hammer to strike his palm.


He was drilled into the ground to his ankles. However, he wasn't damaged. Zeus looked at the man and smiled.

His smile wasn't warm and stuck fear into the man's heart.



Claymus slammed his knuckles into the man's nose and chest. He made weird noises and his nose was bent and dripping with blood.

The vibration of the hit still rang into his chest, he was winded for a second.

Claymus tripped him to the ground then looked around him to see everyone else. Thye saw how easy their leader had been taken down.

They started running, but it was too late.


A white beam of light cracked down from the sky. It flashed inside the arena, it impacted the surrounding area around Zeus with devastating might.

As the lighting disappeared, the people running away were charred black, with expressions of fright. Anyone who wanted to save them couldn't have.

After that, he stood calmly surrounded but charcoal shaped bodies.

The crowd erupted with cheers at the demonstration of dominating power. The fight wasn't even close.

Joey was looked on in shock.

"Strong" he muttered.

Eisha heard what he said as well, "He is Early-stage Rank 1, he is also descendant of a 1st family. This is just about normal".

She fidgeted a little with her fingers, "But it's sick, they are already in the Sky Military and they join the tournament to smurf on other participants.

'Don't hate the player, hate the game'

It was definitely unfair, but since when was life fair? They must have known the strength gap between them and their opponents.

Joining this competition there was never a guarantee to leave alive.