Feel at Ease

I'm standing at the side of a bed inside the place Takashi-san calls the medical wing. On the bed is the sleeping figure of the golden-haired teenager, Clara Jaeger.

She looks rather peaceful when she's not in a panic and not holding a knife on my throat.

"We've patched her up. We will be questioning her once she wakes up." Takashi-san says and motions to her.

I take a deep breath.

Slayer, use on her.

Slayer? Why are you taking too long? Is there something wrong?

Name: Clara Margarette Jaeger

Age: 16

Level: 5

Title: [Sceptre's Reaper] [Assassin] [Sharpshooter]

Her level is only five? She definitely did not feel like a level five. Also her [Sharpshooter] title is somehow making me feel excited.


>Strength: 1394

>Intelligence: 1978

>Agility: 1345

>Stamina: 1244

>Defense: 1654

Hmm… Her stats are equivalent to that of a really skilled mundane person, but somehow her stats don't really match her level. When I was level five, my stats were in the hundreds, the highest being five hundred or something.

Her stats remind me of most members of the yakuza with no connection to the supernatural and military officers; someone who has combat training and experience.

Skill List:

? Is that what I think it is? Is that how she managed to get past my skill undetected?


Wait, does she have connections to the supernatural? I mean, having concealment as a skill is definitely not normal!

But then again, if she's a trained assassin, the first thing she'd be taught is how to conceal her presence so her assassinations will go without a hitch. She's also affiliated with Sceptre and said organization does not have any connections with the supernatural either.


I'm pretty sure someone living in the mundane world will not have such a skill without a connection to the supernatural. But the rest of her skills don't really show she's connected to it either.

So… what does that mean?

[Unable to answer.]

I wasn't expecting for you to answer either Slayer.



It's also possible that she knows of the supernatural despite working for Sceptre? She probably never noticed such a thing.

Ugh! In the end, they're just theories. I need to wait for her to wake up so she can answer my question.


"Come on Miss Jaeger, this will go smoothly if you answer my questions." Banri-san says trying to coax the young lady he took into custody.

Clara Jaeger woke up minutes ago. Despite her injuries, Takashi-san decided to have Banri-san interrogate her. Well, it's not a bad one since he's basically asking her questions as nicely as he could. But she hasn't been cooperating and she has stayed quiet all this time.

I'm pretty sure Banri-san is close to snapping even though he has the patience of a saint.

How can I tell?

People need the patience of a saint to deal with me.


"Takashi-san, I don't think she'll be spilling anything." I say to the man next to me.

Takashi-san and I are staying at another room, the monitor room, and left Clara and Banri-san a while ago. Banri-san thought that it might be better to let him talk to her alone.

I'm pretty sure she knows she's being watched though. I saw her glance at the camera a few times.

Takashi-san just sighs and shakes his head. "You're probably right. Considering what happened, she won't be opening up to anyone anytime soon. But I still want to know why she's in Kyoto and if Sceptre is here as well!"

He sounds really worried and frustrated, but he asked Banri-san to back off anyway.

"Takashi-san, can I talk to her?"

What? Why is Takashi-san giving me such a skeptical look? It's not… strange. Right?

"Why?" he asks. "Do you think you can make her talk?"

"It's not like that Takashi-san. It's just… to keep her company I guess." I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

He stares at me for a full minute before shrugging as well. "Go."

I nod my head and head outside.

I can't help but smile at myself. I can now ask her if she has any connections with the supernatural. I already guessed her answer but I need confirmation.

I enter the infirmary and slowly make my way to the bed occupied by Clara Jaeger. She has her head down, trapped between her knees and chest and she's not emitting any sound.

Well this is awkward. Deciding to come and talk to her was the spur of the moment fueled by my curiosity. But now that I'm here, there's only silence and it's really awkward.

"Go away." she suddenly says, still not looking up. "I'm not answering any of your questions. Just let me go. That's the only way we can stay alive."

What the hell is she talking about? She talked about being hunted down when she took me hostage. I already guessed someone was after her and she only wanted to get away from whomever that is. But she still trespassed in Kyoto so she had to be taken into custody.

"Well, you can 'go' if you cooperate with Banri-san and the others." I say. Emphasis on 'go' since it just feels like a good things to say in the situation.

"Look, I-"

She's now looking at me with her eyes wide.

Why does she look shocked? Is it her first time seeing a kid inside the yakuza's medical wing?

"You're that kid!" she exclaims.

What is she talking about?

"Uhm, what are you-"

"I'm really sorry about taking you as a hostage!"

Ah, she's talking about that.


"I can't believe I took an innocent kid as a hostage. It has always been my principle to never harm innocent kids but desperate times seek for desperate measures, so… Anyway, I apologize for that!"

O…kay? She's one weird kid. Moments ago, she wouldn't even respond to Banri-san's questions but now, she's… I don't even know what to say about it to be honest.

"I'm okay. I understand that you felt like you're in danger so you did that."

Is it just me or there some sparkles in her eyes?

"Wah. You're a kid but you speak more eloquently than me. You're very mature and understanding for your age too!"

Is this girl serious? Did she really just-

Wait a minute…

I'm pretty sure she did not completely let her guard down, but she's pretty much at ease as well. It was because of how I look like?!


Eh? Isn't that a good thing? I can make her open up to me since my form can make her feel at ease.

"Hey kid, what are you doing in a yakuza base? Are you part of the yakuza as well?" she asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh, no I'm not. I do live around here. Plus, I did get involved with you so I'm here, I guess."

She nods her head.

That's good.

Now then. I'm pretty sure she'll clam up if I ask her about her reason for being in Kyoto right away, just like she did to Banri-san. So maybe I should not start there.

I already have something in mind though.

"Miss Clara Jaeger-"

"Call me Clara or Big Sister Clara if you like!" she said, beaming.

I let out a strained smile. "Clara then."

I am 'not' calling her big sister.

"So Clara, what are your thoughts about the supernatural?"

It's a pretty random yet out of the norm question, but it fits my thirteen year old kid form. I never thought a day would come where I'll be taking advantage of my current form.


Desperate times call for desperate measures indeed.

"Supernatural? Like vampires and stuff? You want my thoughts about it? Do they even exist?"

Cue jaws dropping. Well just mine I guess. She looks pretty genuinely confused.

And that confirms it. Clara Jaeger does not know about the supernatural. At least not yet.