The New Housemate

"How is it that you always get yourself in trouble, huh?"

Nicco is currently standing on front of me, glowering at me for what just happened. I'm kneeling, my head down, avoiding his eyes. He apparently received a call from his 'contacts' (as he called them) that I got into trouble with the mafia and the yakuza. And right now, he's scolding for getting mixed up in a non-supernatural incident.


Geez! Nicco is at it again! He's my observer but he definitely nags a lot. And here I thought he was the silent cool type when I first met him, he definitely mellowed down as the months passed. He has been nagging at me in everything I do which is considered wrong.

He's seriously going to talk my ears off.

Not even Shino is scolding me and he's supposedly my bodyguard that reports everything to Sakura-nee! But then again, I don't think he's someone who scolds others considering he's the silent type. I'm surprised Sakura-nee hasn't barged in and joins Nicco in his scolding session.

"I'm your observer, and even though I cannot directly interfere with your matters unless it has something to do with demons and the Church, can you at least not cause me more paperwork? You already cause me enough you know? Do you have any idea-"

I feel like crying.

"-ril! APRIL!"

I'm pulled out of my thoughts and come face to face with Nicco. His face is only inches from mine with a stern look decorating it.

"Do you understand what I just said? Or do we need to have another lesson on responsibilities and safety?"

What did he just tell me? And lesson?

I shiver at the thought. The last time he gave such lessons, it lasted about six hours straight with no snacks or breaks.

"I understand! We don't need to have another lesson! I'll be careful from now on!"

I feel like I just raised some sort of flag or something. Oh well, white lies aren't bad right?

I see Nicco sigh and squats in front of me.

"So Sceptre, huh. You really have a knack in getting involved with the strange bunch."


"Don't you already have your hands dull with preparing for Hell's Succession Trials and your studies in White Lotus Academy?" I just shrug my shoulder as a response. I mean, he does have a point. "Still, it has to be Sceptre."

Wait, Scpetre is based in Italy. And Nicco has been living in Italy until he got assigned to be my observer.

"Nicco, do you know Sceptre?"

"Unfortunately." he sighs.

"Why does a demigod under the wing of the church know about Sceptre?" I ask, but just as I look up to meet his eyes, I immediately recoil at the intensity of his stare.

Uwah! There it is again, the famous Nicco wolf stare.

I swallow the nonexistent lump on my throat but he just sighs.

The nerve! Why is he sighing? Is my question that ridiculous?

"I grew up in Sicily where Sceptre's main headquarters is located. The orphanage where I come from is located there."

"The orphanage you and Regina came from."

The woman I met in Negros, Philippines suddenly pops up in my mind. She was the one who told me about it.

"Yes." he sighs.

He has been sighing a lot. I'm afraid Nicco might become an old man earlier than most.

"Anyway, before the Church took me in, I was in Sicily and Sceptre is quite famous there. Despite their track record of illegal stuff in government systems, they kept the entire region of Sicily peaceful. Those who tried to cause trouble will be confronted by them. Sort of like Dawn Union in Kyoto."

"But… you're from the church." I ask, a little skeptical at his words.

Hmm… So their headquarters is in Sicily as well.

"Sceptre doesn't have any records of involvement with the supernatural so the Church doesn't bother them. As long as they don't harm any members of the Church then the Church and the Vatican will remain a neutral party that doesn't get involved with anyone in the mundane world."

Eeeh. So it's like that.

But that doesn't change the fact that they're dangerous and is trying to make a move in Japan. It's the reason Clara was chased by Banri-san and his men when she arrived in Kyoto.

"A piece of advice to you April, don't get involved with them. They're… how do I put it… they're bad news and getting involved with them will get you killed."

Is he serious? We've been through a lot together in the past few months, and now he's saying that? We've slayed monsters and got ourselves in the line of fire a bunch of times, and he's seriously telling me not to get involved in an organization of humans?


But I had no plans to get myself involved with them either. My experience with Sceptre in my past life is enough. I'm only interested in Clara Jaeger because of her and skills.

Nothing else.

And besides, she's in the hands of Takashi-san and his men now. It's not like I'll be seeing her again. The yakuza is dealing with such a mundane situation that is the norm of their organization, so I'll leave it at that.


Albert Einstein once said, and I quote, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

And like Einstein, I'm not sure whether it's coincidence or the universe screwing with me. The current situation that is.

"…And so, she will be staying with us! This is Clara Jaeger." Sakura-nee introduces. Behind her is Ryuuji-san with his usual impassive expression. "She'll be your housemate until further notice. Just treat her like a long term guest or a resident or something."

Make up your mind!

Is she serious?! Isn't she dangerous? Isn't Sceptre, a very dangerous and bloodthirsty mafia organization, after her? She's a freaking assassin! I mean, she's Sceptre's Reaper!

Why is she staying?! Much less in Plum Blossom Mansion?

"I hope you get along now kids!"

Without even hearing our opinions Sakura-nee and all the adults of the mansion (apart from me) exits the door, leaving us in a very awkward atmosphere.

"Oh, April. You live here?" Clara asks after a minute of silence, surprise written all over her face.

Right. I'm the only one she knows in a name-basis.

"Yeah. That anno- I mean, Sakura Tsuchimikado is my guardian."

"Right. Akatsuki-gumi's boss said she's his daughter."

Hmm… So they told her that.

Wait, that's not the issue here!

"Clara, I thought you're trying to get out of Kyoto?" I ask the golden haired girl who sits in the vacant couch. "Why are you suddenly… our housemate?"

The rest of my housemates sit down as well and start eyeing the newcomer.

"Hmm…" she takes a cookie from the coffee table and sighs. "I tried to escape and run away. I don't know what they did but my wounds are almost healed so I took the chance, but damn! Your guardian saw me by coincidence and caught me. She brought me back."

"And?" I question, hoping for her to elaborate.

She shows her right ankle and I see a silver band around it. If I look closely, I can see a few magical symbols carved in it; definitely Sakura-nee's handiwork. Aside from that, there's a small green light embedded on it.

A tracker?

And with those symbols, I can already guess it has magic. So basically, she can be tracked using mundane means and magical means.

"She said I don't have to stay on a holding cell and can freely explore the property, but I have to wear this." she shrugs and crosses her arms. "It also supposedly won't let me leave the property or Kyoto without their permission, whatever that means. Anyway, they basically discussed it and agreed with it without my opinion."

Oh, that…

"You'll get used to it." Sylvia, who's sitting beside me, says and chuckles. "Welcome to Plum Blossom Mansion, Clara. My name is Sylvia Baretto and these are…"

I'm happy that we gained a new friend(?), but isn't Sylvia rushing?


She just introduced everyone to Clara.

I guess this will be an interesting turn of events.