It was a morning of January 10 for Derek his life had taken a lot of turn in the past months he was still thinking what went wrong everything in his life was going so well but all changes very fast he was not prepared for those changes especially in One of those was that with the girl he was dating I broke up with him but not only did I totally destroy him, I humiliated him as if there was no morning and I affected him too much but that was not the worst thing. He got into their relationship and that if it affected him too much that he spent 4 nights crying wondering why it happened those days passed and he no longer gave it importance he decided to continue with his life as if nothing had happened he began to distract himself not to think about her and that had a very big result because thanks to that and to her best friend in a matter of 3 weeks she managed to forget everything she did to her.

During all that month of January he decided to do different things and thanks to that he said to seek a new perspective on his life and he was going to dedicate himself to what he likes most in life and that is music, he began to write songs but they came out too many sad songs and put to see another perspective and have a new inspiration for him it would be too difficult to get a new source of inspiration but it would not be impossible for him so he tried and tried throughout the month and nothing that even came to mind listening to music he definitely needed to be functional again to make his songs so he started doing something else until the new source of inspiration came to him, he decided to go visit his friend to see what he could say to him.

When he arrived at the house of his friend who was unlucky enough, he went for a walk to breathe fresh air and put his ideas into motion until he got that inspiration that left him, although deep down he knew that for the moment he was not going. to get it as fast as he thought he went to sit in a park under the shade of a tree he began to reflect on everything that had happened to him and came to the conclusion that he had to remove the sadness that he still had he went home running he went straight to his room he began to write the lyrics of the song that came to his mind knowing that it was very sad even a few tears escaped at the time of doing it because he remembered everything he lived and happened with That person now were only memories that he had in his mind for such a reason that every sad song that came out he kept it so that the same thing does not happen again to escape tears for someone who did him a great evil from that day it did not happen again the same the songs it's sad they no longer came to mind.

On January 20 he went to visit his friend to talk with him and he hoped that this time he would be at his house because he needed to tell him a lot when he reached his destination. He felt relieved because his friend was in his house and he proceeded to tell him what had happened but as always his friend knows him so well that he told him that he already knew most of the story because when he went to visit his house he saw how everything happened, the arguments, fights and especially him It was when she humiliated him too much.

For this reason, he was with him for much longer, raising his spirits so that he did not think too much about what happened, and he also knew that he had already overcome it completely because there was that smile that always characterizes him, he knew his friend very well and he knew that he had that joy that Despite the bad times, he still has it but no one is saved from a breakup and that took its toll on him but the most surprising thing is that he never lost the smile that always characterized him, he did not know how Derek had it despite everything and that would be a question for another time.

And 4 hours passed and they kept talking but on another topic because everything was fast when I told him and it was also due to the factor that he knew a little about everything that happened and the only thing they could continue is to remember anecdotes from the days that passed, everything was joy in Everything but never lacking the bullying that Derek did to his friend still did not understand why he put up with that so much to be honest being he sends him to fly fast and the only thing that came to his head is that the two have known each other for a long time and for this reason so much trust between the two although they had a problem due to Derek's ex and they did not speak to each other for months but that problem was fixed and again the dynamic duo that were proclaimed by Derek returned because he put the name even though he was leaving call Batman and his friend Robin but he preferred to forget to say that or mention it at another time.

He told him everything he wanted to do in his life dedicate himself to music and he would support him in everything because that is what friends are for leaning on everything that the other does and with all that he quickly went on to quickly forget his ex who even now He did not care what she does after all they were both adults and knew what to do with his life once he finished talking with his friend he went home to rest because it was already 8 o'clock at night and it was very late he had left only for a while but the visit lasted too long but especially their conversation.

It was January 31 and everything that had happened to her in the first 10 days of the month she no longer remembered, she dedicated herself to doing other things and forgetting, to be honest, she no longer remembered what she was like, the only thing that was said is that if someone is going to reach her God may put that girl into his life, what he did not know is that that girl was already there and the only thing he hoped was that his heart would heal and he would begin to fall in love little by little with her and tell her what he feels without knowing that he was going to WIN OR LOSING it was just a matter of time I say it and that she gave a YES or NO to give him a chance but we are getting a little ahead of the fact that we better keep everything Derek is going through in order until he knows where he fell in love Laura's.