It was a Saturday of February 2nd afternoon had ended a meeting where he met his friends and in them was Mary and also his personal advisor as he always told him this was nothing more and nothing less that Orlyn looked like brothers but the irony of life is that they were brothers in every way except in the blood the dynamic duo was going to leave Mary home they were talking about any thing that would occur to him because in the group what they had the spark was Mary and Orlyn if some didn't know them they would say they were boyfriends but the reality is that they weren't and in that case Derek who was the most cheerful of the two was serious as ever.

When the three of them came out he would take his "responsible adult" attitude but that changed every time they reached his destination to leave Mary at home and it was Orlyn taking that role and Derek was the spark and just on a less thoughtful day he was going to pass something that would be trying to hide it from his friend without success but none of the three would imagine everything that would happen and that would be a big surprise especially for the dynamic duo.

I was once it was Saturday, February 17th the trio of friends was happy but that day Derek realized that her friend Mary was very cute and with that thought made her heart beat faster she rebuked herself for saying that he came to her as a friend as a sister it would not be possible for her to think that was true her black lattice head especially liked her eyes and her smile that she has did not go on with her thoughts because she felt Orlyn's gaze and decided to disguise what happened but it was too late because her friend realized what awaited her an interrogation later but better decided to forget everything because it was said that maybe it was just an attraction just an attraction or a simple illusion what he felt.

They had spent the last 2 weeks of February and remained the same completely avoided the topics that Orlyn wanted to start to know what had happened to him he wanted that the more hidden or as long as he didn't say anything he was going to disappear that feeling that was wrong was for the most attempt he did was stronger the feeling all he had left was to hide it and not talk about it no matter how much he tried he couldn't forget his feelings and decided to give himself a little more time he had hope that it's just a passing feeling but nothing didn't forget it, Orlyn already suspected what happened even in a conversation I ask if he would start liking Mary and what he said almost makes him confirm that if what he said was TO GIRL


And with that said Orlyn started to put all the points together but he didn't say that Derek kept his feelings well or that he thought because Orlyn noticed how she stood how close or how she kept looking and the good thing is that only he realized or else it would be very obvious for everything because right between Derek and Mary there is a difference of 4 years something very big and that I did not know how to carry out all clear as long as Mary allowed it and that was her greatest doubt whether she would give her a chance or not.

And to top it off I would have to put up with Orlyn in all his interrogations to admit how he feels about her but he was always looking for a way to evade or change the subject but not for long because not even 24 hours pass he re-questions and that's a little annoying because deep down he knows he's aware of everything and all he does is advise him to think things through and not do something that then they are all affected and the two lose that friendship that they have and above all that puts everything in God's hands that if she is the one will give her the opportunity to tell her what she feels but if she is not also better to tell her not to continue with the weight of thought wondering that whether she would give her yes or not and how all Derek decided or acted in that instant by going crazy and telling her friend that she's talking that she only sees her as a friend, a sister, but deep down those feelings were changing everything.

Nothing knows what fate or God has prepared for one is a matter of risking to win or lose that's what life goes down lately we have to play our cards well so that everything comes out in our favor and not get a bad move and do what we want or fight for what we want in this life the one who doesn't risk doesn't win and that will have to learn Derek the hard way and do as much as possible in these months that he has left to resolve his conflict which will have him very confused and will make him think things twice before acting because his breakup was still fresh he needed more time to be able to fall in love or get excited about someone.

As long as that passes his friend Orlyn finds out how Derek admits his feelings and starts taking the first step so that he is no longer so thoughtful or so obvious to him every time he sees Mary even she will have realized what is going on or not but does he not imagine what happened to her in the few months a surprise that left her with her mouth open and the question would be Will surprise be for better or worse? Or as she took it but all those are questions that will be solved with the passage of this story and know if Derek risks confessing her feelings to her or yes that Mary would give her a chance to be more than just friends but that will be said by fate or the decision that she will make over the days and all if she has the strength and courage to declare herself to the girl regardless of that even with everything he has against him even with the age difference which is the most obvious thing so far and the other is what his family would think about what happened between the two of us all that made Derek's bravery go on vacation and that his feelings would hide them again to save himself everything and re-think things well before acting he had to plan everything very but very well would need someone would give him a little or the confidence push for him to do everything he had in mind even to surprise but it's all about the confidence he had and not to get his nerves wrong.