On May 10th came what he most expected Derek, the inspiration came but the arrival was something strange because while he was sleeping he even wondered what had happened because it would have come to him like this and he realized that it was a new month with new opportunities even He thought that this month he was going to do the right thing and everything was going to be fine for him, he got up and got ready to do what he had scheduled for the day and began to do everything and during the day he gradually received the lyrics to write the song that He wanted so much to dedicate it to Mary, he finished everything he had to do and began to think about how the song should begin and decided to be the same as if he were in front of her and that is how the lyrics of the song began to arrive the more he concentrated The more he remembered her, her smile, her way of being and, above all, her character, she liked the way she was and she hoped it would never change because that makes her special to her and what she doesn't know is that he wants her to. Whether or not being with him she wanted his happiness that that smile never leave his lips and especially his innocent look that he had but at the same time challenging and comes from determination with all his qualities he liked for Derek she was perfect even what The most he likes is that he lets himself be guided by God and with that thought he said to himself maybe she is the one that God sent into my life what he most wanted is for her to feel the same as he even started to think that if give it a chance I'd make the most of it and I would not waste it at all because when he falls in love it is real and for him he did not care about anyone else only she had an eye only for her and that is what mattered most to him and that was very present and that was him at the time of being in a relationship he respects her one hundred percent no matter what happened the important thing is the happiness of that person who is by his side with all that he could make the song he felt very happy it was as if he told him at that moment all his feelings and I did not expect an answer I was only happy for what I achieved and I hope it was that easy at the moment when I had her in front of her but it was not the opposite, her courage came at the time of writing even her nervousness would go away but when she had her face to face His bravery left and his nervousness arrived and he said to himself maybe it is cowardly to hide through a sheet of paper but it was the opposite he was preparing to tell her everything when he was in front of him until he had enough courage The same with the song ready, he waited for the right place to do it but when he wanted to, she was not there or she did not have the fortune of being in the same place at the right time and at the exact time, even on two occasions she decided to wait and was careless. the exact moment but because of him he could not achieve it and he was scolding himself for doing all that but he should not despair or rush he would have to be even more patient and that was the test that he had to know how to handle it as it was appropriate and thus avoid all inconvenient and tell her everything in clear his feelings and that was what worried him the most in what she will tell him.

On May 25, he showed the song to Orlyn to see what he thought but he just made a few modifications so that he did not realize that it was for Mary but to his bad luck when reading it I asked him if he was inspired by it and how everything I look for a way to hide everything because I did not want him to realize it and for a thing in his life it would come out when the three were talking it would be a very uncomfortable moment for both her and him it occurred to him to lie to him and tell him that it is for another person but he did not completely eat the lie because with that he came to the conclusion of his infatuation that he had but like every good actor he decided to continue with his lie until he saw where he got with that but he knew that he was not going to get very far because in A matter of days I continued with the questions to find out who was the cause of such a great song And that when he thought about singing it to her or if he met his new muse, the cause of his new inspiration and thinking about it, he was absolutely right in something that she said is the new source of his inspiration and that made him form a big smile that fortunately Juan I can't see and I was grateful that this happened because later how was I going to explain why he gave a big smile but still he continued his interrogation and was not in the mood for his questions that became increasingly clear if that were possible but he could bear it anyway because He was his friend his best friend and nobody could be like him and that gave thanks for having a great friendship with him over the years he realized that he never changed, he remained the same and that made the dynamic duo special and one day he would tell him that they are Batman And Robin with that thought he earned a big smile, he just started thinking about past anecdotes but was interrupted by the thought because a certain black-haired woman came to his mind that made him sigh, he couldn't help it. He fell in love with her without thinking about it, he did not even imagine that something like this was going to happen but as has already been said, no one commands the heart much less in love if you fall in love you fall in love and you cannot help it and he gave thanks for falling in love with her why not I wanted to imagine what would have happened if he had fallen in love with another person it would be a total catastrophe because it would not be the same and that person would try to change it and that he wanted to avoid he did not want to go through the same thing again not even in his dream because he remembers everything very well That happened, she only has experience of not doing it again, not even by thought, and she imagined that she She would be the woman with whom she would be forever but it was never done because in the end she showed how she really was and everything that happened was for the better because she did not want to imagine what would have happened if she had continued with her but she left those thoughts to one side and followed with his new muse the source of inspiration that even did something that he never thought to do he was writing several songs often and that was a bit strange and at the same time disturbing but he did not pay much attention to it he got to do other things so as not to think too much He decided to give his brain a break and also his hand because he had written like crazy and that he was not a good writer even is not still what he likes the most is writing it but not too excessively because that also has a bad because with him time comes to affect the muscles and bones of his hand with the first song he decided and with that he was arming himself with much more courage he even thought at that very moment of looking for her and telling her everything. or but he decided again to wait until the right moment but he did not know that someone else was going to help Derek in his crush and above all to have more courage to tell him how he feels about her, it would even make him more nervous or it would be another test to prove your patience that only time will tell.