Joining the Quest

"Father, thank you for saving me," 

These were the last words that he said to his father before he died.

And the last words that his father said to him was, "I hope that you can righteously help others."

"Did you not say to me while I was asleep that you wanted to prove to yourself that you wanted to help people without having to steal from others?" Yuna asked as she gently smiled at Yoon. "Did you not say that you wanted to try living a different life?"

Yoon was silent and did not respond. Instead, he looked at Yuna in the eye as he observed her facial expression.

Yoon silently nodded. "Yes, I said that."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Yuna asked as she smiled at him.

The high priestess always looked strong and peaceful. But he knew that this young lady was having a hard time on her own. After all, this was not her home. She did not belong to this place.

She always managed to smile and see the good in the world.