The High Priestess Wanted Her Celestial Warrior to Twerk

"Yoon, you already became one of my celestial warriors," Song Yuna spoke, her voice was filled with enthusiasm. 

"W-what?" Yoon's slanted eyes widened as he appeared shocked. He blinked twice and continued. "T-that is impossible. I never accepted to become your---"

Yuna knew that she had the power to control and command the celestial warriors. She had complete control over them, but she never used it. She preferred them to follow her at their own choice, not because they are forced to do so or anything.

But then, she knew that she had no choice.

To complete this task and find all the six celestial warriors, she had to use her complete power over them and make them feel that they had to obey her.

An evil idea came to her mind. 

It was simple. She was sure that it would make celestial warrior Yoon embarrassed by doing it and surrendering himself to her. 

The high priestess spoke, "I command celestial warrior, Yoon, to twerk."