Do not hurt them


At lunch break, I gallop towards the door. I'm more than hundred percent sure this is the moment when all big mean kids gang up on me and shoved my head in the school backyard fence or worse, another toilet face dive.

I'm already two meters away from the door when someone grabs me by the collar from behind.

"Well, isn't this our transferee stink? Where ya goin'?" The blond spiky kid I saw in the front kid asked.

I cussed under my breath.

I couldn't tell from the seat but he's towering me by few inches. He's bulkier than I thought. Maybe a football player, a boxer, could be anything.

He's the same age but the way he wears that ear piercing, unbutton that white polo uniform, exposing the black shirt beneath and the sparkling secondhand gold necklace dangling on his neck, makes him look like a big hunky rapper robbed out of money and in dire need of help to go home to his rap buddies.

"Scaredy prissy pants here calling our sweet teacher 'ugly b*tch'? You gotta pay for that Oghouls." he sneered.

"Augustus." I corrected.

"Does it matter?" he asked with an arched brow. I sighed.

"Yes. For proper pronunciation of last names. That's the basic for english, unless your tongue is too rigid to let my surname roll on your mouth."

Spiky blond dude growled. He jerked his head and the big guy twice his size do the honor of dragging me out of the room.

As we pass by corridors, everyone is acting fidgety and let the group of spiky blond kid through. They must be famous. Known for violence.

All bullies are. It's not something new. They brought me towards the men's bathroom. Old stinking abandon one.

With one week old sh*ts stenching out of the cubicle.

"Now, now transferee stink which stall do you prefer to have our initiation with?"

I did not answer.

The over bulky guy who has my collar shove me into the first stall.

"This..." He grunts under his thick throat.

"Has the more sh*t flavor. I say we do him here."

"Great idea." The spiky blond kid exclaimed. I groaned.

From the ugly stench of sh*ts I feel like puking my stomach out. I kick and punch his vein popping arms out of my neck. But with the strong force of his hand, he bent me over my knees. And shoved my face closer to the toilet bowl. The reek is more than I could bear.

I'm gagging beyond control. I'm flailing my arms and kicking my legs at him.

"Come on sweetheart stop struggling."

I forcedly swallowed the vomit in my throat, and the stench of big brown sh*t overwhelm my nostrils, making me feel worse than before.

I closed my eyes, My father's face came into view, and his words of 'Don't be stupid. Steer out of trouble. And whatever happens, stay alive.' Sorry Dad. I don't think I'll live as sane after this.

With a nerve racking elbow hit I crack his ribs and swerved to punch his jaw out of his neck. He got blown off course. From here to the opposite stall of the first cubicle.

The others gasped. The spiky blond kid's mouth almost fell into the ground.

"Sorry," I cough between breaths. Trying to flush out the sh*t with the toilet knob. No water came out.

With an ugly churn I puke my breakfast in front of me. My precious pizza all going to waste.

"You spineless stinking fool! How disgusting can you be?" One of them said. My eyes started to get swarm with water. The effect of too much stench in the air.

I couldn't see their faces clearly. Though I could make out hairs and color of clothes. They are five of them.

I'm more than confident to take them all down. Varsity flaunting their brawny muscles are nothing compared to me who train how to properly disarm an opponent in more than seven fighting techniques.

"Boys, take him." The one with spiky blond haired said. The bathroom is small. Too small to fit five buffy guys like them. Which makes it easier for me to send them flying across walls.

'Don't be stupid.'

I'm not being stupid Dad. This is just self defense. If I let them shove my face in that toilet I won't come back sane.

'Steer out of trouble.'

Ooh yes I am. I tried to, more than you can count. But here they are. Bullies must have love the feeble looking timid me. The satisfaction of dominating weak people, the need to feel superior above all. The fame of being called 'the strongest' sometimes can blind you from where you truly are.

Desires are just so-so. There are always people above us. Those who has the power to drive you on your knees without doing anything. Even I know that. I felt it. To the deeper part of my bones.

How I couldn't do anything to save Mom. Even after telling myself I can somehow help her. In the end, I'm nothing but talk. I watch her die. I watch her sacrifice her life. To protect me.

Jus the image of her lifeless body lying in front of me turned my vision red. The frustration of unable to do anything. The rage of wanting to kill that humanoid… It's all eating me alive.

One tried to strike me with his fist, I caught his wrist in midair and twist it behind his back. Up close, I could tell. These guys are revered football players. Legs are important to them.

Now how will that turn out if I snap their knee into two? They will lost their future, their dreams of making big. They will feel despair in all their lives.

They will be consumed by hatred… Like I am now.

I raised my leg to aim at his knee, not hesitating to do what I just intended.. When suddenly, a familiar face came into view. Right at the open door if the cubicle.

Moon rose.

I blinked thrice. I wasn't imagining it this time. She was really there. She held one of her blue rose on her lips then slowly shakes her head.

"What?" My vision slowly came into color. My to – be – victim squirm on his feet but I force him to kneel and headlock his neck.

"You don't want me to?" I croaked. She closed her eyes and nods.

I can't even begin to describe the glimmering feeling I have in my chest. The surge of hatred slowly died down when I see her face. Reason came to me and I let him go.

My eyes still trained on her, she lowered her rose and mouthed the words,

"Do not hurt them."