I won't let you get killed, even if I have many reasons to let you.


The Dark Elf chuckled. His black hollow socket got bigger, regarding me with creepy expression of sheer delight.

"You should listen to this boy, Elders. At least he has enough sense to know what's really at stake here." mused the shady Dark Elf. He spread his cape, raised his arm high in the air then bring it down in split second. It's just a simple gesture. Meant nothing harm. Can't hurt anyone.

Supposed to be, yes. But the goosebumps on my skin crippled my fingers. I know he'll use mana to kill the Rank Elders. Even from here, I can see the logic playing on his mind. He can't risk killing any of us Rankers. It could be possible that one of us is the Seeker he sought.

Until he's unsure who, he'll let all of us live. But Rank Elders are different matter entirely. Except for their position in the monarchy of Rankers, the Dark Elf has no use for them. If they won't play by his rules… what's the point of letting them live? He'll kill everyone anyway…

A wave of black smoke arcs in dead air. I'm probably ten meters away but the fear crippling in my spine tells me…One hit and I'll be sliced in half. I focus all my strength on my feet and leap in front of the Rank Elders.

Cross swords in front, I block the curve smoke. The black liqueur pulsing in my veins started to gather in my arms. The sheer impact, the monstrous strength of this death arc is so strong my blade almost gave away on me.

I pushed through. I thought I was alone, the strongest. And because I'm the strongest I have to protect them. Because I have the advantage, I must act for their safety. I keep thinking of my Dad. The last image of him waving his hand as he rides in his mane. Black honorary cape for the mightiest.

Once upon a time, he was revered as the strongest. The top Rank Leader of the Rank force. Second to none, his surpassing strength is so massive, he can take down the enchantments of Rank Elders. And once upon a time, he lends his hand to a Faery enslave to madness by his fellow Rankers. His drive for justice overlook races.

The Faery fell in love with his kindness. With pity turn into love, Dad swore he will protect her for as long as he lives.

And because of this, he was branded as a traitor. Faery and Gifted People can never exist together. Much more if a Ranker will have a wife. It's uncalled for. Dad resign and accept his punishment. He's willing to die. The Rank Ruler wants a unanimous vote to kill Dad, Mom, and me by public execution. The Rank Elders object to this verdict.

Mom is a Faery. Killing her would wage war with the Faery race. They petition for banishment instead. The Rank Ruler was furious until the very end, but relented to the entreaty. Yeah, we were supposed to be sent away from the kingdom and never come back.

Venture the land outside of the Gifted People's territories and lived in peace. I doubt there'll be peace outside, but with the three of us, I know there is. I remember sleeping in my mother's embrace as we wait for our banishment day. Dad taught me basic survival skills.

I love them both. Mom is kind and pretty. Dad is strong and admirable. Mom told me I have mana flowing in my veins. She gave some to Dad too. She said he will teach me how to properly harness it.

That night he did. It was simple. He let me drink his black liqueur blood. When I almost pass out from the pain, he put his hand on my forehead. Warm fluttery feeling flowed in my veins. Eradicating the pain, waking every dead cell in my tissues.

I wake up feeling like I've been reborn. My sickly bones became ten times stronger. I'm faster, tougher, I find out if I break one of my bones, I'll just accumulate the black liqueur in my veins to that area and it will heal itself.

Wind whips around us as I stand on my ground. My legs feel like they'll give away at any minute. I can't feel my arms. The smoke arc is condensing. Each second that passed, the more I lose the connection to my nerves. Every part of my body ache. Until it becomes numb.

"Anakalo," the gruff voice of the Dark Elf came and the smoke arc disappeared.

"You who bears the same blood as us. Why try so hard to defend these hypocrites?" The Dark Elf waved his staff in a bending curve that ends with its pointy blade upside down. A gush of wind blows in all directions. Clearing the turf.

I take a shaky breath. I dare not move a muscle. I can't feel any nerves operating in my body. If I twitch my fingers, I'm afraid I will collapse in an instant. It's like I'm standing in a void with no physical body.

Is this the effect of that smoke arc?

"Why would it concern you?" I asked. I'll give myself 8 out of 10 for keeping my voice firm. But it still sound hoarse.

"You do realize these people take your parents away from you. Banishment you say? Driving you out of the kingdom? Did you actually believe that nonsense? Haven't you wondered why they separate you at the last minute and forced your parents to leave you behind?"

"How did you –" I stammered. Stunned as to how this high - class Faery knew about my parents.

"Ranker don't listen to him." One of the Rank Elders snapped behind me.

"Your wish to leave this foolish kingdom. To go out and find your parents in our territories won't be fulfilled. Wanna know why?" The Dark Elf taunts.

My heart is drumming in my chest. Figured I still can't move. But something deep inside me stirred. Like the things the Dark Elf is talking about – resonates inside of me.

As if the veil is slowly lifting - letting me see the truth in his words.

"Because they're dead. Pass this border – is our reign. And believe me, I can see what's going on in every little part of our ground. I saw your parents. Both badly beaten, blood caking their tattered clothes. And guess what? One of your beloved Rank Elders – " he nudge his chin at my farthest right.

"Killed them in cold blood. Without hesitation, without remorse. But I figure killing them right there and then is mercy. Because if they take one more step – only damn deities know what kind of pure hell I'll put them through."

The Dark Elf hums tunelessly. "Though I surmise my plans back there will be nothing compared to my plans for the Seeker today. So you lot better find him in your Ranks. Drag him to my feet. And I'll return these Rankers – alive. Better hurry. I'll only wait until sunset."